How To Clean Concrete Walls
If you have a home with a basement, you may have walls that are made of concrete. Concrete is very prone to stains because of how porous it is. If a stain happens to get onto the concrete walls, it may become very difficult to get out it you wait too long. Therefore, it is imperative that you clean up a concrete wall stain as soon as you see it.
Step 1
Fill a 5-gallon bucket with cold water and add a cup of mild soap (dish washing soap or laundry detergent will work). Dip the brush into the soapy water and scrub the stain until it disappears.
Step 2
Empty the bucket and refill with cold water. Add 1/2 cup of ammonia to the water and clean the stain with the brush using the ammonia solution. Scrub the stain until it disappears.
- If you have a home with a basement, you may have walls that are made of concrete.
- Dip the brush into the soapy water and scrub the stain until it disappears.
Step 3
Mix kitty litter with water to form a poultice. Spread the poultice over the stain. Cover the poultice with a plastic bag (this will keep the poultice on the wall) and duct tape the bag to the wall. Allow the poultice to draw out the stain for a few days and then brush off the dry kitty litter.
Step 4
Clear away all furniture and objects next to the concrete wall and spray the area with a pressure washer. This should only be used in the event of a stain that won't come out using other methods.
Clean Concrete With Tsp
Concrete is a stonelike material made from cement, water and stone or sand, which are mixed, poured and cured into various designs. Concrete is often used to make basement floors, patios and driveways because of its durability. Trisodium phosphate, or TSP, is a strong and effective cleaner for tough stains on concrete surfaces. Wet the surface of the concrete with a garden hose if it's outdoors, or use a wet mop if it's indoors. Put on rubber gloves and a ventilation mask. Use 1/2 cup of TSP if the concrete surface is extremely dirty. Mop the concrete surface with the solution, or pour the solution onto the concrete and scrub it with a stiff-bristled broom. Allow the concrete to air dry.
- Mix kitty litter with water to form a poultice.
- Allow the poultice to draw out the stain for a few days and then brush off the dry kitty litter.
Things Needed
- 5-gallon bucket
- Water
- Mild soap
- Nonmetallic brush
- Ammonia
- Kitty litter
- Duct tape
- Plastic bag
- Pressure washer