How To Use A Volt Meter To Check The Neutral & Ground

Wall outlets serve as an interface for consumers to use electricity supplied by the power company. If you replace a power outlet, you will need to check the replacement to ensure that it is properly wired. One way of checking the outlet is by using a voltmeter or digital multimeter. Each socket blade in the outlet represents an electrical connection, making it simple to determine whether the outlet is properly wired.

Step 1

Turn the voltmeter scale to "Volts AC." Place the negative (black) probe into the bottom round socket (also known as "ground") blade. Place the positive (red) probe into the left-hand (neutral) socket blade.

Step 2

Check the measurement; it should indicate a voltage differential of zero.

  • Wall outlets serve as an interface for consumers to use electricity supplied by the power company.
  • Each socket blade in the outlet represents an electrical connection, making it simple to determine whether the outlet is properly wired.

Step 3

Remove the positive probe from the left-hand socket blade, and place the probe into the right-hand (hot) socket blade.

Step 4

Check the measurement; it should indicate a voltage between 110 and 125 volts AC.

Step 5

Remove the positive probe from the right-hand socket blade. Remove the negative probe from the round socket blade.


Do not touch exposed metal while testing the connections. Test only in dry conditions.
