How To Proprogate A Silver Lace Vine

Things Needed

  • Pruning shears
  • Flower pot
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Rooting hormone
  • Clear plastic bag
  • Spray bottle
  • Distilled water
  • Sharp knife
  • Rock

Silverlace vine is a deciduous vine that can grow as much as 25 to 40 feet tall and wide. The vine grows so fast that it can grow as much as 25 feet in a single growing season. It's covered with sprays of small, white fragrant flowers that last from midsummer through fall. The twining stems make this an excellent plant to cover fences and trellises. Silverlace vines need little care and are hardy in USDA planting zones 4 through 8. Propagation is most frequently done by cuttings or layering.

Propagation by Stem Cuttings

Step 1

Prepare the flower pot so it is ready for the cutting when you take it. Fill the pot with a mixture of half peat moss and half perlite. Dampen the soil thoroughly and use a pencil to poke a hole in the center of the soil. Set aside while taking the cutting.

  • Silverlace vine is a deciduous vine that can grow as much as 25 to 40 feet tall and wide.
  • The twining stems make this an excellent plant to cover fences and trellises.

Step 2

Cut off a 4- to 6-inch stem from this year's or last year's growth. Find a stem that has little to no flower buds on it. Take the cutting from a healthy plant in the morning while the plant still has a lot of moisture in it.

Step 3

Cut off leaves from the bottom one third of the cutting. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and knock off any excess.

Step 4

Place the cutting in the hole you made in the potting soil, rooting hormone end down in the soil about 3 inches. Press the soil tight around the cutting.

  • Cut off a 4- to 6-inch stem from this year's or last year's growth.
  • Cut off leaves from the bottom one third of the cutting.

Step 5

Cover the cutting and pot with a clear plastic bag and set the pot in a warm area with indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist by misting the plant and soil with a spray bottle filled with distilled water every three days.

Step 6

Tug lightly on the cutting in two weeks. If the stem resists, it has rooted; if not, check it again in a week. Once you have roots, remove the plastic bag and water the soil until it runs through the bottom of the pot. Place in full sun and transplant to a larger container once it starts to grow. Transplant out in the spring.

  • Cover the cutting and pot with a clear plastic bag and set the pot in a warm area with indirect sunlight.
  • Keep the soil moist by misting the plant and soil with a spray bottle filled with distilled water every three days.

Propagation by Layering

Step 1

Find a low stem that will bend enough to lay across the ground. At a point in the center of the branch, dig a hole about 4 inches deep in order to bury that section of the branch.

Step 2

Take a sharp knife and make a cut in the bottom of the branch that will be in the hole. Dip the cut in rooting hormone and lay the section in the hole. Cover with peat moss and a rock to keep the section down.

Step 3

Cover the area with mulch and water well to moisten the soil. Water the soil every three days if there has been no rain.

  • Find a low stem that will bend enough to lay across the ground.
  • At a point in the center of the branch, dig a hole about 4 inches deep in order to bury that section of the branch.

Step 4

Remove the rock in three months and cut the branch free from the mother plant. The new vine can stay where it has rooted or you can dig it up and transplant it to a new location.
