How To Clean A Dirty, Stained Gunite Pool

Things Needed

  • Soda ash
  • Garden watering can
  • Pool brush/ scrubbing utensil
  • Submersible pump and hose
  • Muriatic acid
  • Chemical gear (goggles, gloves and breathing mask
  • Acid brush (found at pool supply store)

Gunite pools can accumulate filth and mineral deposits over time. This unsightly scale can be rather challenging to remove if you aren't armed with the proper tools or instructions. Methods are available that will reduce cleaning time and give you successful results when cleaning a dirty stained gunite pool.

Step 1

Start draining the pool. As the pool is draining, clean out any debris or leaves that may still be floating around.

Step 2

Scrub the pool walls with your scrubbing utensil. Make sure to remove as much dirt and scale from the walls as possible.

  • Gunite pools can accumulate filth and mineral deposits over time.
  • Methods are available that will reduce cleaning time and give you successful results when cleaning a dirty stained gunite pool.

Step 3

Put on all the necessary chemical protective gear to mix the chemicals.

Step 4

Mix 1 gallon of the muriate acid with 1 gallon of water in your garden watering can. Never add the water to the muriate acid, as this is hazardous. The proper way to do this is to add the muriate acid to the water by pouring slowly to eliminate the risk of back splash.

Step 5

Spray the entire inside of the pool with your gardening hose. Start pouring your mixture of water and acid down the section of the pool you want to start with and wait for about 30 seconds to a minute for the acid to do its job.

Step 6

Scrub the area with an acid brush (found at pool supply store). After scrubbing thoroughly, take your garden hose and give it a final wash. Work your way around the pool, repeating these steps.

  • Put on all the necessary chemical protective gear to mix the chemicals.
  • The proper way to do this is to add the muriate acid to the water by pouring slowly to eliminate the risk of back splash.

Step 7

Add soda ash when you start accumulating acid wash on the bottom of your pool. To neuteralize it, you'll need at least 2 lbs. of soda wash per gallon of acid wash.

Step 8

Rinse the entire pool once more with clear water and drain it into a storm drain. Refill your pool and enjoy.


Keep chemicals out of reach of children and pets. Use protective gloves to keep chemicals away from your skin.
