Begonia Colors

Begonias are garden and landscaping staples because of their vibrant explosions of color. They have both beautiful, colorful flowers and big, vibrant leaves. There are several begonia species. All of them have various forms of the colorful leaves and flowers. Begonia flower colors vary among the types. Begonia flowers can appear in solid colors, or a solid color tipped with a different color.
Begonia flowers bloom in most shades of red from the lightest pink to the darkest blood red. The flowers of the begonia plant are delicate and vary in size depending on the type of plant. Shrubs and Rhizomatous begonias have the most flowers per plant.
- Begonias are garden and landscaping staples because of their vibrant explosions of color.
- The flowers of the begonia plant are delicate and vary in size depending on the type of plant.
Only the tuberous and cane begonia have big purple flowers along with the white and red flower petal colors. Purples come in shades ranging from bright pink-purple to nearly baby blue.
White occurs both on the flower and the leaves. It occurs on all of the begonia types. White streaks or spots break up the color on leaves, but rarely is the base color on a begonia leaf. Flowers can be solid white, white with colored edges, or faded colors that turn white.
The tuberous begonia is the only one that produces flowers in colors other than purple, red variations or white. The tuberous begonia has big flowers in salmon, orange and yellow as well as the reds and white.
- Only the tuberous and cane begonia have big purple flowers along with the white and red flower petal colors.
- The tuberous begonia is the only one that produces flowers in colors other than purple, red variations or white.
Begonia leaves vary in size and shape depending on the type of begonia. Most begonia varieties have various shades of green. Some are tipped with maroon. The Rex Cultorum variety have the most brilliant leaf colorations with some being bright pink, red, white-veined, black, purple and even bronze.
Begonia shrubs are covered in delicate white, pink or red flowers that often have a layer of thin fuzz, or hair, that gives them an interesting texture.
Commonly Asked Questions:
What are the most colorful plants?
Shrubs and rhizomatous begonias.
What are the colors of begonia flowers?
The tuberous and cane begonia have big purple flowers along with the white and red flower petal colors.
What do begonias have that are not purple, red or white?
Purples come in shades ranging from bright pink-purple to nearly baby blue.
The flowers of the begonia plant are delicate and vary in size depending on the type of what?
The flowers of the begonia plant are delicate and vary in size depending on the type of plant.
What do white streaks or spots break up the color on?
White streaks or spots break up the color on leaves, but rarely is the base color on a begonia leaf.
What colors do begonias come in?
Salmon, orange and yellow as well as the reds and white.
What color are tuberous begonia flowers?
White and red.
Writer Bio
Tami Parrington is the author of five novels along with being a successful SEO and content writer for the past three years. Parrington's journalism experience includes writing for eHow on medical, health and home-related topics as well as writing articles about the types of animals she has raised for years.