How To Plant Skyrocket Juniper Trees
Things Needed
- Skyrocket Juniper sapling
- Shovel
- Gravel
- Compost or leaf mold
- Hose
- Fertilizer
Sky[ [juniper trees ]]( juniper trees are narrow with a rounded base and come to a point at the top of the tree. Juniper trees thrive in areas that are dry—and they tolerate cold extremely well. At maturity, the Skyrocket juniper can be 10 to 20 feet tall. Juniper trees are good windbreaks on the edge of the property, as a hedge, and for narrow walkways.
Step 1
Choose an area that gets six hours or more of direct sun each day. Soil may be of a poor quality, contain alkaline or acid, and well-drained with a soil pH of 4.5 to 8.5.
Step 2
Dig a hole two times bigger than the rootball of the Skyrocket juniper. The hole should be deep enough for the root collar (the soil line around the trunk of the juniper tree) to sit even with the surface of the surrounding ground.
Step 3
Mix a large amount of gravel with the soil and add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the hole if the soil is clay and doesn't drain well. Add a layer of compost or leaf mold at the bottom of the hole and mix it into the soil you removed when you dug the hole.
Step 4
Work a few of the long roots loose around the bottom of the Skyrocket juniper. Place the juniper into the hole and fill it back up with the soil and compost mix. Pat the ground around the Skyrocket juniper with your hands to remove air pockets in the soil. For a big tree, you can use your feet.
Step 5
Water the Skyrocket juniper tree at least once a week to keep soil moist. It's very important to water the tree on a regular basis during the first two years. Regular watering helps the juniper tree establish the roots firmly in the ground. Spread mulch around the base of the tree.