How To Trim A Red Tip Photinia
The red tip photinia shrub grows abundantly in warm regions (USDA zones 8 and 9) where gardeners plant them as hedgerows. An unfortunate result of these close planting practices is a lack of adequate air circulation among the individual shrubs, which often contributes to a fungal infection that leads to loss of the plants. With careful spacing and pruning, you can keep red tip photinia shrubs healthy and thriving in your home landscape. By pruning photinia shrubs during dormancy, you can prevent disease.
Step 1
Spread the tarp beneath the shrub before you begin pruning to catch the stems and leaves you remove.
Step 2
Examine the interior of the shrub to find any stems and branches that appear unhealthy or dying. If you find any, remove these stems back to the base of the shrub with the pruning shears.
- The red tip photinia shrub grows abundantly in warm regions (USDA zones 8 and 9) where gardeners plant them as hedgerows.
- With careful spacing and pruning, you can keep red tip photinia shrubs healthy and thriving in your home landscape.
Step 3
Open up the interior of the shrub by removing the crossing and rubbing stems. Cut these stems off with the pruning shears where they connect with the next largest stem.
Step 4
Shape the photinia shrubs by clipping off the growth around the perimeter of the shrubs with the pruning shears. Because red tip photinia shrubs grow abundantly during the growing season, they will easily grow into very large shrubs if you allow it. Cut back the stems to a leaf node to control the growth and keep the shrub the size you desire.
Step 5
Pull up the tarp and discard the removed stems, branches and leaves. This is especially important around a photinia shrub because this plant material on the ground can lead to fungal infections.
- Open up the interior of the shrub by removing the crossing and rubbing stems.
- Cut back the stems to a leaf node to control the growth and keep the shrub the size you desire.
Cure Black Spots On A Red Tip Photinia
Red tip photinia (Photinia x fraseri), sometimes also commonly known as Fraser photinia, grows as a large evergreen shrub across U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9. A member of the rose family, red tip photinia is susceptible to multiple diseases that can cause dark spots to develop on leaves. Black fruiting bodies may develop in spot centers. Water the photinia deeply and infrequently whenever rainfall is inadequate. Thinning out dense growth improves air circulation around foliage and encourages rapid drying. To avoid problems with scab, apply a narrow-range oil, sulfur or Bordeaux mixture to the photinia foliage about once per week until wet weather conditions have largely ended for the year.
Things Needed
- Tarp
- Pruning shears
If you do not prune a photinia shrub regularly, it will become sparse and uneven.
Shaping the red tip photinia will encourage bushy growth.
- Clemson University Extension: Photinia (Red Tip)
- UC IPM Online: Photinia—Photinia spp.
- UC IPM Online: Entomosporium Leaf Spot—Entomosporium Mespili or E. Maculatum
- UC IPM Online: Scab—Spilocaea and Venturia spp.
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: Non-native Photinias in Monroe NY
- University of Florida IFAS Extension: Photinia x Fraseri