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How to Plant Garlic Next to Lemon Trees

wooden citrus reamer and lemon lime and garlic image by Steve Johnson from

When planting fruit, vegetables or herbs in your landscape, it is beneficial to plant complementary produce that can grow close to each other. An example of this is garlic and lemon trees. When planted by the base of lemon trees, garlic can help repel insects such as snails, aphids, moths and deer. Also, garlic has the natural fungicide sulfur that lemon trees will absorb through the roots, preventing disease such as mildew. When planting garlic by lemon trees that are already established, plant the cloves from March to April so they can develop in cooler soil. Also, choose garlic cloves to plant that are smooth and appear healthy from garlic bulbs.

Prepare the soil around the planting area under the lemon tree, as garlic needs loose, rich, loamy soil. It also needs generous amounts of fertilizer to grow, such as a 10-10-10 variety. Keep in mind that since the soil must be kept consistently moist, even ground would be easiest to grow garlic, and the planting spot must also be in full sun.

  • When planting fruit, vegetables or herbs in your landscape, it is beneficial to plant complementary produce that can grow close to each other.
  • Also, garlic has the natural fungicide sulfur that lemon trees will absorb through the roots, preventing disease such as mildew.

Dig a circular trench about 5 inches deep, at least 1 foot from the base of your lemon tree.

Create planting holes in the trench about 1 inch deep per clove, keeping the holes about 5 inches apart.

Plant one clove per hole with the end of the clove that was attached to the base pointing down. Cover the cloves with about 1 inch of soil and pat down.

Keep the soil regularly moist throughout the growing season, particularly once you see the leafy tops poking through the soil.

Plant Seed Garlic

Separate the cloves in garlic bulbs purchased from a reliable supplier about a day or two before you plan to plant the garlic. Inspect the garlic cloves carefully and discard any that are soft, moldy or otherwise damaged. Break up at least the top 8 to 10 inches of soil in the growing site and work in 2 to 3 pounds of a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 or similar formula per 100 square feet unless otherwise directed by the results of a soil test. Place each garlic clove in the prepared trench or hole with its pointed end oriented upwards and space individual cloves at least 6 inches apart.

  • Dig a circular trench about 5 inches deep, at least 1 foot from the base of your lemon tree.
  • Place each garlic clove in the prepared trench or hole with its pointed end oriented upwards and space individual cloves at least 6 inches apart.


Dig up the garlic in late summer or fall once you see the garlic tops turning brown and dying back.

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