How To Make Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
Fish emulsion is one of the most powerful organic fertilizers that you can feed your plants. It provides a quick boost of usable nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to plants. While the product has a powerful aroma as well — it is made from the remains of fish — you may find nutrient benefits to your plants, outweigh the temporary unpleasant smell.
Step 1
Add fresh fish parts to a blender with warm water and emulsify. Avoid using canned fish for the fertilizer, since these tend to contain extra preservatives.
Step 2
Fill the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket with dried leaves, straw, dried grass, newspaper, and/or sawdust. These will help to control the smell and absorb extra nitrogen from the fish.
- Fish emulsion is one of the most powerful organic fertilizers that you can feed your plants.
- Add fresh fish parts to a blender with warm water and emulsify.
Step 3
Add[ [the fish emulsion smell ]]( (unsulfured or dry) to the fertilizer bucket as well. This helps to control the fish emulsion smell and also build up the microbes in order to speed up the process of decomposition.
Step 4
Add fresh or dried seaweed to the container (optional).
Step 5
Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of Epsom salts. This adds needed magnesium and sulfur.
Step 6
Add the lid and stir the fish emulsion once or twice a day and let the concoction sit for at least two weeks.
- Add molasses (unsulfured or dry) to the fertilizer bucket as well.
- Add the lid and stir the fish emulsion once or twice a day and let the concoction sit for at least two weeks.
Step 7
Dilute the fish emulsion fertilizer to a 1-to-5 ratio and add to your plants, or spray on the leaves as a foliar fertilizer.
Mix Fresh Fish In Soil To Make Fertilizer
Fill a 5-gallon bucket half full with brown compost material such as sawdust, leaves or straw. Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts, which will add beneficial magnesium and sulfur to the emulsion. Mix well to combine all components. Seal the lid, and store outside in an inconspicuous location away from heavy traffic. After two to four weeks, the fish emulsion will be ready for use. Strain off the solids and reserve the composted fish liquid, or "tea."
- Dilute the fish emulsion fertilizer to a 1-to-5 ratio and add to your plants, or spray on the leaves as a foliar fertilizer.
Things Needed
- 5-gallon bucket with lid
- Blender
- Fish
- Molasses
- Epsom salt
- Dried leaves and grass