How To Kill Mold In Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is highly susceptible to mold. Its seed often contains mold spores. And because of its close-growing habit, wheatgrass often develops mold as it grows. The most common type of mold that grows is blue or green mold, which only grows on the surface and is nonpathogenic. Simply cut the wheatgrass above the mold and rinse it thoroughly before you juice it. But to prevent mold from cropping up in the first place, treat the seed and the growing plant with food-grade hydrogen peroxide.

Step 1

Soak the seeds in hydrogen peroxide for five minutes to kill any mold spores that may be growing on the seeds.

  • Wheatgrass is highly susceptible to mold.
  • Simply cut the wheatgrass above the mold and rinse it thoroughly before you juice it.

Step 2

Spray the growing wheatgrass with hydrogen peroxide once weekly to kill any mold spores that are growing on the grass.

Step 3

Rinse the wheatgrass before juicing it.

Step 4

Throw out any wheatgrass that has developed white or brown mold that is killing the plant. This mold is pathogenic. Destroy the plant and wash the seed tray with bleach before growing a new crop.

Cut Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass offers many nutritional benefits, including vitamins and chlorophyll, and can be added to salads or fruit juice. If you grow wheatgrass in your own garden, you can enjoy these benefits by cutting and harvesting the grass several times before you have to replant. The first cutting, or harvesting, should take place when the wheatgrass is approximately 7 to 8 inches high. For the first few days, keep a cover over the tray to lock in the moisture so the seeds don't dry out. The wheatgrass may produce one more round of growth after the second cutting. Keep harvesting your wheatgrass for as long as it continues to grow.

  • Spray the growing wheatgrass with hydrogen peroxide once weekly to kill any mold spores that are growing on the grass.

Things Needed

  • 3 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide
  • Spray bottle


Sow your seed more thinly than usually and grow it near an open window to improve air circulation and reduce the chance of mold growth.
