How To Grow Jade Vine
Things Needed
- Jade vine seeds
- Tree fern fiber
- Vermiculite
- Germination flat
- Water
- Plastic sheet
- Sunny, moist location
- Support such as a trellis or tree
The jade vine (Strongylodon Macroboytrys) is among the most beautiful and unusual of tropical vine flowers. Native to the Philippines, this perennial evergreen plant sports highly unusual flowers that can be almost turquoise in color, and which are sometimes used in attractive leis. The blossoms are two inches long with long pointed upturned keels, which hang in small clusters from the main stalk. If you live in a tropical climate and want a stunning plant to cover the side of an old shed, this one will stop traffic!
How to germinate jade vine seeds
Step 1
Prepare a germination flat with equal parts of finely shredded tree fern fiber and vermiculite.
Step 2
Scatter jade vine seeds evenly on the surface of your flat and then press each seed down about 1/4 inch deep into the growing medium.
Step 3
Cover seeds with a thin layer of your growing medium.
- The jade vine (Strongylodon Macroboytrys) is among the most beautiful and unusual of tropical vine flowers.
- Native to the Philippines, this perennial evergreen plant sports highly unusual flowers that can be almost turquoise in color, and which are sometimes used in attractive leis.
Step 4
Wet the flat thoroughly and then cover the surface with a plastic sheet, securing the ends to the bottom of the flat. This keeps the soil warm and helps to reduce moisture from evaporating.
Step 5
Place your flat in an out of the way area where it does not get direct, hot sunlight, and make sure that it never completely dries out. Your seeds should germinate in 10 days to two weeks.
Step 6
After the seeds sprout, remove the plastic sheet and keep the soil moist.
Step 7
Transplant your young seedlings when they have passed their tender stage and have begun to crowd each other. Use peat pots or other small pots into which you put an equal mixture of topsoil, black sand and humus, along with a small amount of general garden fertilizer.
- Wet the flat thoroughly and then cover the surface with a plastic sheet, securing the ends to the bottom of the flat.
- After the seeds sprout, remove the plastic sheet and keep the soil moist.
Step 8
Provide the seedlings with some shade and protection for the first few days after transplanting them. When your young plants become rootbound, transplant them to their final destination in your garden. Be sure to provide a trellis, or perhaps plant each one at the base of a tree to provide support.
After seeds sprout, add a small amount of general garden fertilizer to the water you use for keeping the flat moist. If you find an existing jade vine, you can take cuttings of about nine inches long and start them using a rooting hormone. The jade vine succeeds best in moist, rich soil where it receives plenty of sunshine. Water your plant(s) during dry periods and fertilize them twice a year with a general garden fertilizer.
Insect pests that might attack your jade vine include aphids, mites, mealy bugs and scale insect. Use an insecticidal soap spray at the first sign of infestation to prevent further growth of these insects.