Growing Unrooted Plant Cuttings
Things Needed
- Paper towels
- 6-inch growing pots
- Potting soil
- Rooting hormone
- Pencil
- Large plastic bags
Cuttings propagate many different types of plants, shrubs and trees. Once you have the cutting, the key is growing the un-rooted plant cutting to the point that it has developed roots in order to grow into a viable, strong plant. Un-rooted plant cuttings can be obtained by cutting new, fresh growth from existing plants and keeping the cuttings moist until you can give them a place to take root.
Step 1
Keep all cuttings wrapped in wet paper towels or wet newspaper in a cool place until you are ready to work with the cuttings. The quicker you can work with the cuttings, getting them into the soil, the better your chances of success.
Step 2
Fill 6-inch growing pots with a good quality potting soil. Water the soil until it is moist to the touch and water drains from the bottom of the pot.
- Cuttings propagate many different types of plants, shrubs and trees.
- Once you have the cutting, the key is growing the un-rooted plant cutting to the point that it has developed roots in order to grow into a viable, strong plant.
Step 3
Remove the paper towels from the cuttings. Dip the end of each cutting into rooting hormone. Ensure that the hormone covers the lower 2 to 3 inches of the cutting.
Step 4
Create 1- to 2-inch-deep holes in the moist soil using a pencil or chopstick.
Step 5
Place the cutting into the hole, ensuring that the cutting touches the bottom of the hole. Fill moist soil around the cutting to keep it upright and stable in the pot.
Step 6
Place a large plastic bag over the pot. This will create a mini-greenhouse effect, giving the cutting the moisture and humidity it needs to produce roots.
- Remove the paper towels from the cuttings.
- Fill moist soil around the cutting to keep it upright and stable in the pot.
Step 7
Allow the cutting to remain in the plastic for several weeks, watering as necessary to keep the soil moist.
Step 8
Remove the plastic from the cuttings when new growth begins to appear. This is the sign that root growth is also beginning.
Step 9
Repot or transplant the cutting when it outgrows the 6-inch pot.
You can also cut the bottom from a clean, empty 2-liter soda bottle and place it over the cutting instead of using a paper bag. A 2-lite soda bottle fits perfectly inside most 6-inch pots. Take your cutting from plants in the early morning if possible. The stems are more likely to be filled with moisture at this time of day.
- Purdue University Extension: New Plants From Cuttings
- North Carolina State University: Plant Propagation by Stem Cuttings: Instructions for the Home Gardener
- "Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening" The Editors of Organic Gardening and Farming Magazine, 1975