How To Care For A Bacon Avocado Tree
Bacon is a hybrid avocado tree named for its original grower, James Bacon of Buena Park, California. Bacon avocados are small- to medium-sized, with smooth exteriors and light-colored flesh. The Bacon avocado tree is easy to care for, hardy to 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and thrives in areas such as San Francisco and California's Central Valley. Grow your Bacon avocado tree well away from other plants as the roots are ruthless, chokin-art.html'>choking those of other plants in the vicinity.
Step 1
Grow the Bacon avocado tree in full sun.
Step 2
Water the Bacon avocado tree when the top 9 inches of soil are dry. California Rare Fruit Growers suggest digging a 9-inch-deep hole, remove soil from the bottom and squeeze it. If the soil holds together when you open your hand, it is sufficiently moist and the tree does not require water. If the soil doesn't hold its shape and falls apart in your hand, water the Bacon avocado tree to a depth of 9 inches. Cease watering the tree completely prior to the first frost.
- Bacon is a hybrid avocado tree named for its original grower, James Bacon of Buena Park, California.
- Water the Bacon avocado tree when the top 9 inches of soil are dry.
Step 3
Fertilize the Bacon avocado tree after its first year in the ground. Use a 21-0-0 formula fertilizer, applied at the rate suggested on the package. Fertilize the tree once a month, beginning in February with the last application in September. If the tree's leaves turn yellow the tree may be chlorotic. Iron chlorosis can be treated with a spray containing iron. Check with your county cooperative extension office for recommendations on which commercial spray is most effective in your area.
Step 4
Protect the avocado fruit from squirrels, rats and other varmints by wrapping the trunk with tin wraps, available at garden supply centers.
- Fertilize the Bacon avocado tree after its first year in the ground.
- Protect the avocado fruit from squirrels, rats and other varmints by wrapping the trunk with tin wraps, available at garden supply centers.
Bacon Avocado Ripe?
"Bacon" avocados ripen between November and March. The best way to determine if fruits are ready for harvest and consumption is to pick a few full-grown avocados each week or so beginning when you suspect the fruit is nearing ripeness. If the avocado is ripe, it will become soft after seven to 10 days at room temperature.
Things Needed
- Fertilizer
- Iron foliar spray
- Tin tree wraps
- "Physiology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees"; Miklos Faust; 1989
- Arizona State University: Persea Species
- University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura County: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Avocados
- University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: Avocado Information, Answers to Questions
- University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Under the Solano Sun: Frost Hardy Avocados for Solano Micro Climates
- University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: Avocado Varieties: Bacon
- United States Department of Agriculture: USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map