Drooping Jade Plant Cure

Things Needed

  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Container

The jade plant (Crassula ovata), originally from China, is a succulent and somewhat similar to cacti. A succulent plant stores water in its leaves and can survive in arid conditions. These plants can live for a long time if well cared for and will grow from 2- to 5-feet-tall. Jade plants have large, fleshy leaves that are round-shaped and dark green with red-tinged edges, and in the spring, light pink star-shaped flowers will appear. Although jade plants are known to be simple to grow and hard to damage, they may need some special care if they start drooping.

Step 1

Water a jade plant if the leaves begin to droop, a sign that it has dried out too much. Infrequent watering are generally best for a jade plant, one to two times a month during spring and summer, and only once a month during fall and winter, yet too little water can cause leaves to droop and start falling off.

  • The jade plant (Crassula ovata), originally from China, is a succulent and somewhat similar to cacti.
  • Although jade plants are known to be simple to grow and hard to damage, they may need some special care if they start drooping.

Step 2

Transplant the jade plant to a larger container if the soil is drying out too quickly and the plant begins to droop, all signs that it has outgrown the container it is in. Move the plant to a container that is only one size larger than the one it is in.

Step 3

Apply a houseplant liquid fertilizer to a drooping jade plant since it may be in need of added nutrients. Fertilize the jade plant every three to four months and only apply to moistened soil. Applying fertilizer to dry soil can burn the roots and cause damage to the plant.

Step 4

Check the amount of light your jade plant is receiving if it begins looking droopy. Place the droopy plant in front of a south-facing window and turn each day so every side receives adequate lighting.

  • Transplant the jade plant to a larger container if the soil is drying out too quickly and the plant begins to droop, all signs that it has outgrown the container it is in.

Step 5

Keep the temperature consistent at 65 to 75 degrees F during the day and about 10 degrees cooler at night. If the temperature fluctuates too much, it can cause the jade plant to droop and not grow well.


Avoid exposing a jade plant to direct sunlight during summer months, which can burn the leaves.
