How To Get Rid Of A Cypress Vine

Things Needed

  • Hand clippers
  • Herbicide
  • Mulch

A cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) is a member of the morning glory family. While morning glories can make excellent garden plants, some varieties, such as the Convolvulus arvensis (also known as bindweed) can also be invasive weeds. Fortunately, the cypress vine variety grows quickly to fill in a space, and is usually not invasive. If you want to get rid of your cypress vine, use the same method to control and eradicate it as you would other morning glory vines.

Step 1

Cut a cypress vine down to the ground with hand clippers and continue to cut it back every two weeks. Eventually, its growth will slow down as it is unable to absorb sunlight for food. You can also try pulling it up, which is easiest when the soil is moist.

  • A cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) is a member of the morning glory family.
  • Fortunately, the cypress vine variety grows quickly to fill in a space, and is usually not invasive.

Step 2

Spray a cypress vine with 2,4-D if it is growing in your lawn. Apply this herbicide in the spring before it blooms or in the fall after it is finished blooming. Read the label to check that 2,4-D is safe for your grass variety. You might need to reapply once or twice more in the same season if the vine does not die back. Repeat applications for the next two to three years to completely get rid of a cypress vine.

Step 3

Apply the herbicide that contains glyphosate if the cypress vine is growing in the garden. Spray only on the vine because this herbicide will kill any grass or plant it touches. Glyphosate works best in the spring or fall, but you can apply it any time of the year when the vine is actively growing. Reapply once or twice, waiting a week between applications, and repeat over the next two to three years.

  • Spray a cypress vine with 2,4-D if it is growing in your lawn.
  • Glyphosate works best in the spring or fall, but you can apply it any time of the year when the vine is actively growing.

Step 4

Lay 4 inches of mulch over the area after cutting it back, pulling it up or applying an herbicide. This will help shade out the area and prevent the cypress vine from growing back.
