How To Make A Homemade Pool Skimmer

Things Needed

  • Tennis racket
  • Pantyhose
  • Broomstick
  • Duct tape
  • 1-inch PVC pipe
  • Cutting saw
  • PVC glue
  • 45-degree angle joints
  • Scissors
  • Straight connector with 3 connection points
  • Netting material
  • Fishing line
  • Needle

Pool skimmers are used to remove surface debris from pools. This cleaning keeps items from dropping to the bottom of the pool and possibly clogging filters later. Pool skimmers can be made at home out of items you already own. Homemade pool skimmers will work just as well as those purchased from a store and will be able to save you a few dollars.

Tennis Racket

Step 1

Use an old tennis racket that is no longer being utilized for tennis. Take the pantyhose and stretch it over the large end of the racket. Pull the hose as tight around the racket as possible. Do not over-tighten or the hose will rip and run.

Step 2

Attach the pantyhose to the tennis racket with duct tape. Wind the tape around the hose to firmly hold the hose in place. Cut off the remaining pantyhose. Place duct tape over any exposed pantyhose showing out from under the tape.

Step 3

Attach the broomstick to the handle of the tennis racket. Place the handle of the tennis racket against the broomstick. The handles should overlap for at least one foot. The more overlap, the more steady the handle will be. Wrap duct tape over the overlapped handle and stick. Place extra tape around the very end of the tennis racket to prevent water from entering between the broomstick and tennis racket handle.

PVC Skimmer

Step 1

Cut 1-inch PVC into eight equal sections measuring 7 to 8 inches apiece using a saw. Many multi-tools offer a circular saw that work well on PVC. Take one of the eight pieces and cut the piece in half. These two pieces will connect to the handle section of the skimmer.

Step 2

Construct the PVC pipes into an octagon shape using the 45-degree angle connectors. Use the full-length pieces first. The half pieces will connect to the octagon last. One half is to be connected to the right side and the other to the left side. Connect the straight connector piece. Use PVC glue to seal the connectors to the pipes.

Step 3

Attach a netting fabric that can be stretched across the octagon. Any netting type that has a very small mesh will do. Many types can be purchased at hardware stores in large enough pieces to cover the whole frame. Fiberglass netting works well because it is strong enough for multiple uses. Sew fishing line around the edges of the frame attaching the netting to the frame. Stretch the netting as you proceed around the frame. Cut off excess netting once complete.

Step 4

Attach the PVC pipe handle to the frame. Use PVC glue to hold the handle in place.
