How To Get Rid Of Gnats In House Plants

Gnats are annoying little pests. They like to travel in packs, and they often invade our homes. Thus, it's important to quickly identify the food or plant that attracts the gnats, and remove these items from the home. In most cases, house plants are the culprit. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of gnats, and keep house plants indoors.

Step 1

Purchase a safe garden and fruit insect killer. Gnats and other insects are known to invade house plants and outdoor gardens. Yet, there's a simple solution. Visit the local home improvement store or general retail store and buy a fruit and vegetable insect killer. Spray the chemical on the house plants.

Step 2

Remove the top layer of the soil. Since gnats generally lay their eggs on the top layer of soil, take the house plants outside. Using a shovel, remove about one inch of the soil's top layer. If necessary, place new soil in the pot.

Step 3

Spray window sills and doors with an insect killer. Some gnats venture away from house plants and collect near windows and doors. Keep these areas sprayed with insect killer. This kills the adults, and prevents them from laying new eggs.

Step 4

Include a tablespoon of liquid dish washing soap with water. Before watering the house plants, mix in a tablespoon of soap. The soap helps get rid of annoying gnats, and it doesn't hurt the house plants.

Step 5

Use cider vinegar to attract gnats. Get a shallow bowl and pour about one cup of cider vinegar. Cover the bowl with a clear plastic cover, and cut a small hole in the middle. The cider vinegar attracts the gnats, and they become stuck inside the bowl. Empty the bowl as needed.


Keep positive. They will go away with time.


Be careful in using any pesticides in the presence of children.
