How To Propagate Bacopa

Things Needed

  • Tray
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Bleach
  • Sharp knife
  • Sand
  • Peat moss
  • Spray bottle
  • Bacopa plant
  • Rooting hormone
  • Clear plastic
  • Long toothpicks

Bacopa (Sutera cordata) is an evergreen perennial vine that is commonly used as an annual. It only reaches 3 to 6 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Bacopa bears summer flowers of white, lavender and rose. It enjoys full sunlight and good-draining soil. Bacopa is commonly used as houseplants, ground covers, edgings, containers and hanging baskets. It is propagated through stem cuttings taken in the early spring or summer while not in blossom.

Step 1

Wash a 3 inch-deep tray or small plant pot with soapy water. Rinse the tray with a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water. This sterilizes the tray by getting rid of hiding insect pests and plant diseases. Wash and rinse a sharp knife.

  • Bacopa (Sutera cordata) is an evergreen perennial vine that is commonly used as an annual.
  • Bacopa bears summer flowers of white, lavender and rose.

Step 2

Mix together equal parts of sand and peat moss to create a quick-draining rooting medium. Fill the tray with the rooting medium. Spay the soil mixture with water until it is wet.

Step 3

Cut a healthy, young stem that is 3 to 5 inches long with leaves attached to it. Make the cut with a sharp knife right below a node, which is where the leaves attach to the stem. Nodes form roots quicker than other pieces of stem do.

Step 4

Pinch off the leaves on the bottom half of the cutting to create a bare stem with nodes. Dip the base of the stem into rooting hormone. Place the lower half of the cutting into the soil mixture in the tray.

  • Mix together equal parts of sand and peat moss to create a quick-draining rooting medium.
  • Pinch off the leaves on the bottom half of the cutting to create a bare stem with nodes.

Step 5

Spray the tray again with water until the soil is wet. Cover the tray with clear plastic to create a greenhouse. If the plastic is touching the cutting, prop the plastic up with long toothpicks. Place the tray in a warm area with indirect light.


Bacopa flowers continuously in well-watered containers. Keep this perennial well fertilized throughout the summer to promote vigorous growth. The white-flowered varieties tend to grow and blossom the best.


Bacopa is susceptible to whitefly infestation. Use oil spray to keep the whiteflies under control. Avoid using insecticidal soap since it causes leaf and petal burn.
