How To Keep Landscape Wood Chips From Blowing Away
While wood chip mulch can add aesthetic appeal to a landscape while it prevents weeds from growing among your flowers, some gardeners become frustrated as they watch their wood chips blow away in the wind. Keep landscape wood chips from blowing away by utilizing erosion control materials. Place mulch netting over a layer of wood chips in a landscape area to hold the wood chip layer securely on the ground and prevent it from disappearing in windy conditions.
Step 1
Apply between 2 and 4 inches of the wood chip mulch over your landscape area. Spread the mulch out into an even layer with the rake.
Step 2
Stretch the mulch netting out over the wood chips. Make sure the netting covers the wood chips completely from each edge and corner, overlapping the edges of the netting by approximately 4 inches to ensure complete coverage.
- While wood chip mulch can add aesthetic appeal to a landscape while it prevents weeds from growing among your flowers, some gardeners become frustrated as they watch their wood chips blow away in the wind.
- Place mulch netting over a layer of wood chips in a landscape area to hold the wood chip layer securely on the ground and prevent it from disappearing in windy conditions.
Step 3
Position a staple or a stake every 2 to 3 feet along every edge of the netting (including the overlapped edges). Pound the staples or stakes so they are even with the soil surface and so they anchor the netting securely.
Landscape Wood Chips From Blowing Away
Wood chips make an ideal mulch for use in planting beds, around trees, and in decorative gardens. They also aid in maintaining adequate soil moisture and preventing weed infiltration. The drawback of wood chips is they are very susceptible to erosion by both the wind and rain. However with a little pre-planning, you can keep landscape wood chips from blowing away with little cost and effort. Cut your garden netting to fit your garden bed size. Place these bricks directly on the edge of the garden netting. This will give your garden bed a clean, finished look and also help hold the edge of the netting down.
- Position a staple or a stake every 2 to 3 feet along every edge of the netting (including the overlapped edges).
- However with a little pre-planning, you can keep landscape wood chips from blowing away with little cost and effort.
Things Needed
- Rake
- Mulch netting
- Staples or stakes (6 inches long)
- Hammer
If you use biodegradable mulch netting, expect that both the wood chip mulch and the netting will decompose over time. Replace both materials when they decompose.