How To Landscape With White Rock
Things Needed
- White rocks
- Shovel
- Pavers
- Medium-size natural stones
- Square spade
- Edging, 4-inch
- Mallet
Create fresh curb appeal for your home by landscaping with white rocks. White rocks as a background in your flower beds make the foliage and the flower blossoms pop with color. White rocks can also help showcase an ornamental tree or help old shrubbery look new. Look for bags of small white rocks at your local garden supply or home improvement store.
Step 1
Spread a 2-inch layer of white rocks around the flowers in your flower bed. You can cover the area with a 1-inch layer, but a thicker layer helps hold down weeds.
Step 2
Excavate the ground around an ornamental tree, 3 feet away from the trunk. To excavate the ground, remove the layer of grass along with any other rocks or debris. Border the excavated area with pavers or medium-size natural stones. Landscape the space between the stone border and the tree trunk with a 2-inch layer of white rocks.
- Create fresh curb appeal for your home by landscaping with white rocks.
- Spread a 2-inch layer of white rocks around the flowers in your flower bed.
Step 3
Create a decorative rock bed around your mailbox with a 2-inch layer of white rock. Excavate an 8- to 12-inch space around the mailbox post. Enclose the excavated area with pavers to make a border for the landscape rocks. Line the pavers end to end, a single row high. Make a circle, square or rectangle design with the pavers. Layer the white rocks between the pavers and the mailbox.
Step 4
Excavate the ground on each side of a walkway, 6 to 8 inches from the edge of the walkway. Insert a spade along the length of the excavated edge that's closest to the grass. The spade will create an opening so you can easily insert 4-inch-deep edging. Place the edging into the crevice; use a mallet if necessary. The top of the edging should be 1 inch above soil level so it is even with the layer of white rocks. Backfill the edging with dirt to secure it. Landscape the area between the edging and the walkway with a 1-inch layer of white rocks.
- Create a decorative rock bed around your mailbox with a 2-inch layer of white rock.
- Enclose the excavated area with pavers to make a border for the landscape rocks.
Place the white rocks on top of landscape fabric to help prevent the rocks from sinking into the soil.