How To Use Image Weed Control With A Hose-End Sprayer
Image is an herbicide that works on both tough summer and winter weeds. There are several ways to apply Image to your lawn. One of the easiest ways is to use a hose-end sprayer. This allows you to reach a broader area at one time.
Step 1
Cover your body with protective clothing before you handle the Image herbicide. It can cause irritation if it comes into contact with your skin. Wear thick clothing that covers your entire body.
- Image is an herbicide that works on both tough summer and winter weeds.
- Cover your body with protective clothing before you handle the Image herbicide.
Step 2
Put on a pair of goggles and a mask to protect yourself from the herbicide. It may cause harm if it splashes up in your eyes, or if you breathe in the fumes.
Step 3
Pour the Image herbicide in your hose end sprayer's plastic container.
Step 4
Turn the dial on your hose-end sprayer until it reads 4 tsp.
Step 5
Hook the hose up to the hose-end sprayer and spray your lawn. Move from left to right beginning at the far end of your lawn. Work your way toward the front so you do not miss any spots.
- Put on a pair of goggles and a mask to protect yourself from the herbicide.
- Hook the hose up to the hose-end sprayer and spray your lawn.
Weed Killer Is Coming Out Of A Hose-end Sprayer?
Look on the top of your particular hose-end sprayer. Read your product label to determine the concentration of herbicide per gallon of water. If it is in ounces or teaspoons and your sprayer is calibrated in the same measurement, turn the hose-end sprayer's dial on top until the arrow points at that number.
Things Needed
- Protective clothing
- Goggles
- Mask
- 16 oz. Image
Do not use Image herbicide on St. Augustine lawns during the winter months.
Repeat the application in six weeks if you do not get the desired results the first time.