How To Transplant Pineapple Plants

Pineapples are a tropical plant in the Bromeliaceae family. Native to Brazil and Paraguay, the pineapple has spread all over the tropical world and into the northern climates where it is grown in greenhouses, according to the California Rare Fruit Growers Association. Pineapples are tropical plants and are highly sensitive to cold. The ideal temperature range for growing pineapples is 65 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, according to Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plant Products.

Step 1

Dig a hole twice as large as the planting area your pineapple is currently in. Break up the soil in the bottom of the hole using a shovel or garden fork.

Step 2

Cut a circle around the root ball of your pineapple plant using a sharp shovel. The circle should be about two-thirds of the diameter of the foliage on the plant.

  • Pineapples are a tropical plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Cut a circle around the root ball of your pineapple plant using a sharp shovel.

Step 3

Lift the root ball out of the hole. Large plants will require the use of several shovels and a few extra sets of hands.

Step 4

Wet the soil in the new planting hole until it is damp. Place the root ball of the pineapple into the hole so that the base of the stem is level with the surrounding ground.

Step 5

Fill in the soil around the root ball a few shovels at a time. Pat the soil down as you go and sprinkle it with water. The soil should be damp but not saturated as you fill in around the root ball.

  • Lift the root ball out of the hole.
  • Wet the soil in the new planting hole until it is damp.

Step 6

Water the area until it is thoroughly damp. Keep the soil moist but not saturated for the first week after transplanting so that the roots have a chance to get established.

Pineapple Plants

Pineapple plants are terrestrial bromeliads hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 to 12. Abacaxi pineapple plants are most commonly grown in the Bahamas, Brazil and Florida. Pineapple plant varieties in this group are not commonly grown for commercial production because the fruit is too easily damaged. The fruit is sweet and juicy, however, and easily harvested. Pineapple plants in this group are smaller and produce smaller fruit that weighs between 1 and 6 pounds. The foliage on these plants tends to be medium green, although the "Ripley" cultivar leaves have a red tint. These tend to be larger plants with very spiny gray-green or purple-green foliage. The fruit has good flavor and fragrance. Ornamental pineapple plants grow to a height of 2 to 3 feet and width of 2 to 4 feet.

  • Water the area until it is thoroughly damp.
  • Pineapple plants in this group are smaller and produce smaller fruit that weighs between 1 and 6 pounds.

Things Needed

  • Shovel
  • Water


Once established, pineapples only need about 20 inches of water a year, according to the University of Hawaii. Keep an eye on the rainfall, and water sparingly.
