How To Grow Tomatoes In Sandy Soil
Growing tomatoes in sandy soil can be a bit difficult. This is because sandy soil cannot hold water and nutrients well, making it a tough environment for tomato plants. If sandy soil is a problem in your area, you can improve the soil by working compost into the garden bed. Compost increases soil density and nutrient levels. Fertilizing thoroughly is also important when dealing with sandy soil. Giving the plants the nutrients they require will help them produce healthy fruit.
Step 1
Work the top 6 to 9 inches of soil with a hand tiller, loosening the dirt and removing stones and loose roots. Spread a 3-inch layer of compost on top of the garden bed and mix it into the soil with the hand tiller.
- Growing tomatoes in sandy soil can be a bit difficult.
- Work the top 6 to 9 inches of soil with a hand tiller, loosening the dirt and removing stones and loose roots.
Step 2
Scatter 3/4 cup of lime and 1/2 cup of 8-8-8 fertilizer for each tomato seedling onto the soil. Work it lightly into the dirt with the tiller.
Step 3
Dig holes that are about twice the depth and width of the seedlings' root balls. Space the holes 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart.
Step 4
Mix up a solution of one gallon of water and 4 tbsp. of 8-8-8 fertilizer. Place each seedling into its hole and pour a cup of the fertilizer mixture into each hole before filling it in with dirt.
- Scatter 3/4 cup of lime and 1/2 cup of 8-8-8 fertilizer for each tomato seedling onto the soil.
- Place each seedling into its hole and pour a cup of the fertilizer mixture into each hole before filling it in with dirt.
Step 5
Cover the garden bed with a layer of straw to lock in moisture.
Step 6
Water the tomato plants each morning, soaking but not saturating the soil.
Step 7
Side-dress each plant after it has started to set fruit. Dig a shallow circular trench around the base of the plant (4 to 6 inches from the stem) and sprinkle 2 to 3 tbsp. of 8-8-8 fertilizer into each trench. Repeat this process every four to six weeks throughout the growing season.
Grow Tomatoes In Soil That Stays Wet?
Although tomatoes can grow in many types of soil, they grow and fruit best in well-drained conditions and like loam or sandy loam with a medium texture. These soils provide enough air around the roots to reduce the risk of disease. Tomatoes tend to root deeply and should have a well-tilled growing area. Heavy clay discourages root growth in tomatoes and holds too much water. Raised beds also give plants more warmth, making them advantageous for early plantings and young plants. Refrain from mulching and water sparingly if the underlying soil tends to remain wet.
- Cover the garden bed with a layer of straw to lock in moisture.
- Water the tomato plants each morning, soaking but not saturating the soil.
Things Needed
- Hand tiller
- Compost
- Lime
- 8-8-8 fertilizer
- Straw