How To Dry Flowers In A Dehydrator

Things Needed

  • Flowers
  • Shears or scissors
  • Food dehydrator

There are many methods you can use to dry your flowers, but using a common food dehydrator is not only fast and convenient, but will better keep the shape and color of your flowers. Removing the moisture quickly from your flowers will result in your flowers retaining their original color and even their fragrance. Dehydrators will not distort or destroy the original shape of your flower.

Step 1

Harvest your garden flowers for drying after the sun has dried the dew from them. You should select flowers that are almost at full bloom, past the bud stage, but not in the older stages of blooming. You can also stop by florist shop and ask if they have any broken-stemmed flowers they might sell you at a discount.

Step 2

Clip the stems off your flowers, leaving no more than 1 inch. When you are clipping the stems, inspect each flower to make sure the flower is not damaged with missing or broken petals, or from insects.

  • There are many methods you can use to dry your flowers, but using a common food dehydrator is not only fast and convenient, but will better keep the shape and color of your flowers.
  • When you are clipping the stems, inspect each flower to make sure the flower is not damaged with missing or broken petals, or from insects.

Step 3

Preheat your dehydrator to a low temperature of between 95 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. One hundred degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for most flowers. Small, delicate and thin-petal flowers can be dried at the lower temperature, while thicker petals may need the higher setting. If you live where the humidity is greater than 50 percent, you can increase the dehydrator temperature to 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 4

Arrange your clipped flowers on the dehydrator trays in a single layer, making sure that none of the flowers overlap or touch one another.

Step 5

Check your flowers every hour to see how dry they are becoming. Depending on the type of flower you are drying, it may take up to four hours for your flowers to completely dry. Allow your flowers to cool to be sure they are completely dry.

  • Preheat your dehydrator to a low temperature of between 95 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If you live where the humidity is greater than 50 percent, you can increase the dehydrator temperature to 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 6

Store your dehydrated dried flowers in airtight containers, and place them in a cool, dry location.


The type of flowers, the humidity level and the kind of dehydrator you use will ultimately determine the length of time it will take to completely dry your flowers. When your flower petals are no longer flexible, the moisture is gone and your flowers should be dried. Allow your dried flowers to cool before checking the flexibility for best results. You can add a tablespoon or two of silica gel to your storage container in to help keep moisture away from the dried flowers.
