Eucalyptus Trees in Mexico

The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia. An evergreen, there are more than 500 species of eucalyptus. The tree has been successfully cultivated in warm, dry climates throughout the world, including Mexico. Eucalyptus trees have been grown extensively in Mexico, including the red gum, rainbow gum and the blue gum.
Red Gum
The red gum eucalyptus is also called the river red gum or the Murray red gum. The tree gets its name from its sap's color. The tree's height ranges from 100 to 200 feet, according to "Simon & Schuster's Guide to Trees” by Paola Lanzara and Mariella Pizzetti. The adult tree's bark is gray. The bark continually flakes off in strips and is replaced. In young trees, the bark is red. The leaves are spear-shaped and often grow to 12 inches in length. The flowers are bloom in clusters and the fruit are seeds.
- The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia.
- Eucalyptus trees have been grown extensively in Mexico, including the red gum, rainbow gum and the blue gum.
Rainbow Gum
The rainbow gum is also called Kamarere. The tree reaches a height of 225 feet. The bark is multicolored and peels off in vertical strips. The timber is used for pulp, according to “Trees” by Colin Ridsdale. The leaves are elongated ovals and dark green above with a lighter green underside. The flowers are white and bloom in clusters numbering seven to 11. The fruit is a hard, round capsule.
- The rainbow gum is also called Kamarere.
- The bark is multicolored and peels off in vertical strips.
Blue Gum
The blue gum is a fast-growing tree, growing more than 8 feet a year. The tree reaches a height of 195 feet. The bark is mutlicolored consisting of blue, gray, yellow and brown patches. When young, the bark is smooth but as the tree ages, the bark becomes rough and peels away in thin strips, according to “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees of the World” by Tony Russell, Catherine Cutler and Martin Walters. The leaves are round when young, becoming spear-shaped, shiny green and waxy as the tree matures. The flowers bloom singly in the spring, appearing at the base of the leaves. The shape of the fruit resembles the acorn.
- The blue gum is a fast-growing tree, growing more than 8 feet a year.
- When young, the bark is smooth but as the tree ages, the bark becomes rough and peels away in thin strips, according to “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees of the World” by Tony Russell, Catherine Cutler and Martin Walters.
- “Simon & Schuster's Guide to Trees”; Paola Lanzara and Mariella Pizzetti; 1978
- “Trees”; Colin Ridsdale; 2005
- "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees of the World”; Tony Russell, Catherine Cutler and Martin Walters; 2007
Writer Bio
Caroline Fritz has more than 20 years of writing and editing experience, mainly for publications in northwest Ohio. She is currently an editor for a national technical magazine focusing on the construction industry. She has a Bachelor of Science in journalism from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.