What Vegetables Grow Well Together?

Savvy gardeners have long observed that certain vegetables and herbs will grow better, or worse, when planted near certain other types of herbs and vegetables. This practice, known as companion planting, is another way to help your vegetable garden produce as much as it possibly can.

Root Vegetables

Root Vegetables

Carrots and parsnips have similar growing conditions and can be planted side by side. Because they can take up to 28 days to germinate and are slow to get started growing, carrots and parsnips are often interplanted with radishes. The fast-maturing radishes will germinate, grow, mature and be ready for harvesting by the time all of the carrots and parsnips have germinated and the seedlings are ready for thinning.

Three Sisters

Three Sisters

The three sisters of corn, pole beans and squash are a great example of companion planting. Plant the corn in a grid pattern. After it germinates, sow three or four seeds of pole beans in a circle around the individual corn seedlings. As the corn grows it will support the pole beans as they grow and mature. Finally, sow a pair of squash seeds at least 6 feet apart and evenly spaced in the growing bed. Their rambling vines will create a living mulch that will shade the soil, conserve moisture and check the growth of weeds.

  • Savvy gardeners have long observed that certain vegetables and herbs will grow better, or worse, when planted near certain other types of herbs and vegetables.
  • Carrots and parsnips have similar growing conditions and can be planted side by side.

Cucumbers and Melons

Cucumbers and Melons

Cucumbers and melons also grow well together in the vegetable garden. They are both vines and will either scramble along the ground or climb a support structure. Cucumbers and melons prefer hot weather and shouldn't be planted until after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up completely. Due to the high water content of their fruits, both cucumbers and melons require a lot of water when their fruits are developing and ripening.

Vegetables Should Be Planted Together?

Several green vegetables can be grown side by side, with beneficial effects resulting in a tastier, healthier harvest. Growing leeks alongside celery also improves growth and keeps away pesky carrot flies. Protein and fiber-rich beans are good companions for an array of vegetables, but not so good for others. Do not plant beans with peppers, garlic or onions — try corn instead. When beans die back at the end of the growing season, they replace the nitrogen leached from the soil by corn, making it fertile again. Tomatoes benefit when planted next to certain vegetables and also keep some plants safe from harm. Plant asparagus near tomatoes to protect it from asparagus beetles while also slowing the growth of weeds. Tomatoes are also compatible with carrots, chives and onion. Many herbs also grow well with tomatoes, including parsley and basil.

  • Cucumbers and melons also grow well together in the vegetable garden.
  • Cucumbers and melons prefer hot weather and shouldn't be planted until after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up completely.
