How To Wrap A Fig Tree For Winter

Things Needed

  • Saw
  • Rope
  • 4-foot long wooden stakes (4)
  • Chicken wire
  • Staple gun
  • Leaves or straw
  • Burlap

Keep your fig tree alive throughout the chill of winter by wrapping it to insulate it against the frost. Dr. Curtis Smith from New Mexico State University recommends waiting for all of the leaves to fall from the fig tree before wrapping it for the winter, as this indicates the tree has entered its dormancy. Fig trees do not tolerate cold and require winter protection, but if wrapped properly, the trees will bounce back in the spring, even in northern climates.

Step 1

Saw the top of the fig tree down to 3-feet tall after the leaves drop from the tree.

Step 2

Gently pull any branches remaining toward the center trunk and tie a rope around them to hold them in place.

Step 3

Insert four wooden stakes, each measuring 4-feet long into the ground, 1 foot from the tree at four corners.

Step 4

Wrap chicken wire around the four stakes to create a cage around the tree, stapling the chicken wire fencing to the stakes with a staple gun.

  • Keep your fig tree alive throughout the chill of winter by wrapping it to insulate it against the frost.
  • Wrap chicken wire around the four stakes to create a cage around the tree, stapling the chicken wire fencing to the stakes with a staple gun.

Step 5

Fill the cage with leaves or straw.

Step 6

Drape a sheet of burlap wrap over the top of the tree and staple it to the wooden stakes.

Step 7

Staple another piece of burlap to the wooden stakes after wrapping it around the chicken wire on the exterior of the cage.

Step 8

Leave your fig tree in its protective cage until after the last freeze, but remove the covering as soon as the weather begins to warm.


Substitute carpeting or fiberglass insulation for the burlap to wrap the fig trees.


Do not wrap fig trees in plastic wrap as it could encourage mold growth and overheating of the plant.
