How To Mix Tempo Insecticide
Things Needed
- Gloves
- Long clothing
- Boots
- Goggles
- Mask
- Tempo insecticide
- Water
- Garden sprayer
Tempo is a brand of insecticide created by the Bayer Corp. Its active ingredients include cyfluthrin, cyano, methyl and dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate. Because Tempo is a chemical insecticide, you must properly mix it for it to be effective. You also want to practice appropriate safety precautions when handling Tempo.
Step 1
Protect your body while using Tempo. This means you need to put on gloves, long clothing and a pair of boots to protect your skin. A pair of goggles will protect your eyes and a mask can protect your lungs.
Step 2
Remove pets and family members from the area where you are going to mix and use the Tempo insecticide. If you have a fish tank, you need to cover it completely, and shut off the aerator.
- Tempo is a brand of insecticide created by the Bayer Corp. Its active ingredients include cyfluthrin, cyano, methyl and dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate.
- Remove pets and family members from the area where you are going to mix and use the Tempo insecticide.
Step 3
Mix 8 ml of Tempo insecticide with 1 gallon of water for small infestations. This will cover 1,000 square feet of space.
Step 4
Mix 16 ml of Tempo insecticide with 1 gallon of water for large infestations. This will cover 1,000 square feet of space.
Step 5
Use a garden sprayer to apply the Tempo insecticide.
If you use the Tempo insecticide indoors, you must cover up all of your kitchen items that are used for making food.
If any of this product comes in contact with your body, or is swallowed or inhaled, call 1-800-334-7577 immediately.