How To Dry A Gerbera Daisy

Things Needed

  • Newspaper
  • Board
  • Heavy book
  • Plastic bags

Preserving the beauty of summer flowers for enjoyment year-round is often done by drying the flowers. When dried at the height of their blooms and beauty, the flowers keep their vibrant colors for several years. Gerbera daisies, with their large, brightly colored blooms, make an attractive addition to dried flower arrangements. The flowers are fairly flat, lending themselves well to the pressed method of drying and preserving flowers. This method quickly dries the gerbera daisies so they retain a majority of their color.

Step 1

Lay two sheets of non-glossy newspaper on top of a sturdy surface, such as a tabletop or wood board. Or use blotter paper instead of newspaper.

  • Preserving the beauty of summer flowers for enjoyment year-round is often done by drying the flowers.

Step 2

Arrange the gerbera blossoms on top of the newspaper so that the fronts of the flowers face upward. Leave 2 inches of space between each bloom.

Step 3

Lay an additional two sheets of newspaper or blotter paper on top of the flowers. Set a flat wooden board on top of the newspaper and flower stack.

Step 4

Set a heavy book, such as a phone book, on top of the board to apply weight to the flowers. The weight from the board and book presses the moisture out of the flowers, which is then absorbed by the newspaper.

Step 5

Remove the board and book and check on the progress of the daisies after seven days. Replace the newspaper if it feels damp and if the flowers are not completely dry. Put the board and book back on the newspaper and daisies.

  • Arrange the gerbera blossoms on top of the newspaper so that the fronts of the flowers face upward.
  • Set a heavy book, such as a phone book, on top of the board to apply weight to the flowers.

Step 6

Remove the weights a second time after an additional seven days pass. Spread the flowers out on a clean sheet of newspaper in a warm, well-ventilated room for two or three days so the daisies complete the drying process.

Step 7

Check the back of each gerbera daisy where the stem emerges. This is the thickest part of the gerbera daisy. If these areas feel dry, store the flowers in a sealed bag or container until you are ready to use them. If the daisies still feel moist, spread them out to dry for an additional two or three days before storing them.


Spray the flowers with clear acrylic to further protect them once they are on display. Remove any damaged petals from the daisies before drying them so that the finished flowers look their best.


Moisture causes dried flowers to prematurely mildew or fall apart. Never display the flowers in an area where they are subjected to moisture. Direct sun or bright light fades the flowers.
