How To Care For Ginger Plants

Things Needed

  • High quality potting soil
  • Water
  • Mister OR spray bottle
  • Tropical plant fertilizer, not stronger than 10-10-10
  • Compost with well rotted manure-optional
  • Mulch

There is a wide variety of ginger plants for you to choose from, from edible to ornamental ginger. Whatever ginger plant you are growing, the care will be the same because all ginger plants are tropical plants. In USDA zone 8 and above, you can grow and care for your ginger plant outdoors, in your landscape. Cooler zones will mean your ginger plant needs to be wintered indoors.

Potted Ginger Plant Care

Step 1

Plant your ginger plant in well draining, good quality, loamy potting soil. Your ginger plant is tropical and enjoys a soil that is similar to its native environment. By growing your ginger plant in well draining, rich soil, your plant will be less susceptible to root rot. Your ginger plant rhizome should have around 3 inches of soil space around it in the pot.

  • There is a wide variety of ginger plants for you to choose from, from edible to ornamental ginger.
  • By growing your ginger plant in well draining, rich soil, your plant will be less susceptible to root rot.

Step 2

Allow the soil to slightly dry out between watering, to avoid the possibility of your ginger plant rhizome rotting from over watering. The soil on the surface should feel dry when it is time to add water.

Step 3

Mist your ginger plant daily. Ginger plants are from the tropics and need a humid environment, especially during the summer rowing months. During the winter, misting your ginger should be less frequent.

Step 4

Fertilize your ginger plant every two to three weeks during its growing period with a tropical fertilizer with a mix no higher that 10-10-10. Ginger plants do not require a strong formulated feeding. Fertilizing during the winter months should be once a month.

  • Allow the soil to slightly dry out between watering, to avoid the possibility of your ginger plant rhizome rotting from over watering.
  • During the winter, misting your ginger should be less frequent.

Ginger Plants in Your Garden

Step 1

Plant your ginger in rich, humus soil, or for lower quality soil, supplement with compost that has well rotted manure included. This compost should liberally worked into your garden soil prior to planting your ginger plant.

Step 2

Water your ginger plant to keep the soil evenly moist, but not overly wet or water logged. When the surface of the soil around your ginger feels dry, it is time to water. If you live in an area where the summer temperatures are very hot, plant your ginger in a location that is shaded during the heat of the day. This will keep the soil your ginger is growing in moist during the heat of the day and keep the humidity level around your ginger plant higher, which ginger plants needs.

Step 3

Fertilize your ginger plant once a month with a water soluble or time release fertilizer. When your ginger plant is blooming, increase the feeding of your ginger plant to every two to three weeks.

  • Plant your ginger in rich, humus soil, or for lower quality soil, supplement with compost that has well rotted manure included.
  • Water your ginger plant to keep the soil evenly moist, but not overly wet or water logged.

Step 4

Dig up and pot the ginger plant so you can move it indoors over the winter months if you live in an area that receives deep frosts or freezing. In light frost zones, your ginger plant can remain outdoors, in your landscape, though it will die back when a frost arrives, then re-grow when the temperatures warm in the spring. To help protect your ginger during the winter months, add mulch to the depth of 2 to 3 inches around your ginger plant.


Ginger plants grow best in temperatures that are in the 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit range. All ginger plants dislike full sun and prefer to be grown in partial shade. If your ginger plant's leaves begin to have brown edges, it probably is receiving too much sun and should be moved to a new location. But, too much shade for your ginger plant may result in the plant not producing blossoms.


Root rot is the number one killer of ginger plants, so carefully monitor to avoid over watering and creating a water logged soil.
