How To Cut Peace Rose Bushes

Things Needed

  • Gloves
  • Sharp bypass pruning shears
  • Pruning saw
  • Loppers

"Peace," an award-winning hybrid tea rose, produces double yellow flowers with pink edges. Hybridized in 1935, Peace is a highly fragrant rose and the most popular rose of the 20th century, according to rosarians at the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society. Peace, hardy to USDA zones 5 to 9, blooms in mid-spring to mid-fall. Pruning is necessary with roses to replace old wood with healthy, new wood. It also opens the plant to improved air circulation, which protects the plant from fungal disease. Prune Peace roses in late February or March, or as soon as the threat of frost has passed.

Step 1

Remove dead and dying branches from the Peace rose bush. Depending upon the thickness of the branches, you may need to use the saw for this. Saw off all stubs. These are larger growths with no branches near the graft union–the area on the main cane where the rose was grafted that looks like a bump.

  • "Peace," an award-winning hybrid tea rose, produces double yellow flowers with pink edges.
  • Hybridized in 1935, Peace is a highly fragrant rose and the most popular rose of the 20th century, according to rosarians at the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society.

Step 2

Prune away any canes that appear to be unhealthy. These canes are discolored–black or mottled–instead of green.

Step 3

Cut out any Peace rose bush canes thinner than a pencil. Cut them all the way to where they connect to the graft union.

Step 4

Remove suckers. Suckers are small sprouts toward the bottom of the main cane, usually below the graft union. They are called suckers because they serve no purpose other than to suck the energy from the Peace rose bush. Suckers are generally small enough to be rubbed or picked off. Use the pruning shears for larger suckers.

  • Prune away any canes that appear to be unhealthy.
  • They are called suckers because they serve no purpose other than to suck the energy from the Peace rose bush.

Step 5

Cut any canes that cross over others.

Step 6

Prune the remaining canes in half. If you look closely at the canes you will notice that some of the buds (also called eyes) face inward, some outward. When you trim the remaining canes, make the cut at a 45 degree angle, just above an outward-facing bud.
