Flowers With Shallow Roots In Florida

Several types of flower in Florida have shallow root systems. These plants must be protected from high winds, particularly flowering shrubs and small trees. Plant shallow-rooted plants against a windbreak, or, if it is a small tree or shrub, use tie downs to help keep the plant sturdy, particularly in Florida's volatile hurricane season.


Azaleas grow well in Florida's acidic soil, but have a shallow root system. They are the perfect flowering shrub to plant against the wall of a house, as the shallow roots are less likely to damage the home's cement pad. The house also provides a windbreak for the azaleas. Azaleas are popular because of their evergreen foliage and many different colors.

  • Several types of flower in Florida have shallow root systems.
  • Azaleas grow well in Florida's acidic soil, but have a shallow root system.

Most cultivars prefer filtered sunlight, and grow well under trees, as long as the soil is well-drained. If the soil's pH is not between 4.5 to 5.5, amend the soil for optimum production of flowers. If you need to amend the soil, amend at a rate of 1/3 amendment material to the amount of soil you place into the hole for backfilling.

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit originates in southern Brazil, but grows in Florida. It produces fruit in two different colors: purple and yellow. It is a shallow-rooted, wood perennial that produces evergreen foliage. The leaves alternate on the stems and have three lobes when they are fully mature. The blooms are surrounded by three bracts and have five sepals, five petals and a corona with white tips. The corona has a deep purple base. The five stamens are prominent and have large anthers. The fruit is round or oval and grows up to 3 inches wide when fully mature.

  • Most cultivars prefer filtered sunlight, and grow well under trees, as long as the soil is well-drained.
  • The leaves alternate on the stems and have three lobes when they are fully mature.

Golden Star

The golden star is part of the daisy family, and is native to Florida, among several other eastern seaboard states. The herbaceous perennial produces star-shaped, yellow flowers that grow to about 2 inches in diameter. The evergreen leaves are hairy and grow along stems that creep. The golden star grows well in rock gardens and in partial shade. Dead head (remove spent blooms) this plant to extend flowering. It continues to self-sow if the blooms are left to dry on the plant.
