Homemade Rose Bush Bug Spray
Things Needed
- Knife
- Small onion
- Garlic cloves
- Liquid dish soap
- Blender
- Fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth
- Spray bottle
- Large mixing bowl
- Mineral oil
- Airtight container
Most effective homemade rose bush bug sprays contain garlic, which repels and eradicates many common rose bush pests. Rose bushes are most often attacked by aphids, but they can also be damaged by earwigs, June bugs, leafhoppers and whiteflies. If you've noticed aphids on your rose bush, make a simple spray with garlic, onion, dish soap and water. If you've seen other pests on your rose bushes, a homemade bug spray using garlic, mineral oil, dish soap and water should do the trick.
Garlic Spray for Aphids
Step 1
Chop one small onion finely. Peel and coarsely chop two cloves of garlic.
Step 2
Place the chopped onion and garlic into a blender. Add 2 cups of water and 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap.
- Most effective homemade rose bush bug sprays contain garlic, which repels and eradicates many common rose bush pests.
- If you've seen other pests on your rose bushes, a homemade bug spray using garlic, mineral oil, dish soap and water should do the trick.
Step 3
Blend the ingredients on high speed until well-combined. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain it.
Step 4
Pour the strained liquid into a clean spray bottle. Spray the liquid onto the rose flowers, leaves and stems.
Garlic Spray for Other Pests
Step 1
Mince two to three large garlic cloves. Place the minced garlic into a large mixing bowl and add 2 tpsp. mineral oil. Allow the garlic to sit in the oil for about 24 hours.
- Blend the ingredients on high speed until well-combined.
- Place the minced garlic into a large mixing bowl and add 2 tpsp.
Step 2
Mix ¼ ounce of liquid dish soap into 1 pint of water in a separate container. Mix gently so you don't create bubbles.
Step 3
Pour the water and dish soap mixture into the large mixing bowl with the garlic and mineral oil. Stir the ingredients together.
Step 4
Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain it. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of the strained mixture to a clean spray bottle filled with 1 pint of water. Store the rest of the mixture in an airtight container.
- Mix ¼ ounce of liquid dish soap into 1 pint of water in a separate container.
- Store the rest of the mixture in an airtight container.
Step 5
Spray the rose bushes to cover the leaves, stems and blooms. Spray the undersides of the leaves as well.
Spray once or twice per month during the growing season if your bug problem recurs in your rose bushes. You may need to spray the rose bush several times to get rid of the bugs if you have a heavy infestation.
Some ornamental rose varieties may be sensitive to oils and soaps. Spray just a few leaves to test the homemade bug spray before spraying the entire bush. If you don't see any damage to the leaves two or three days after spraying, proceed with spraying the entire rose bush. These homemade bug sprays are not effective for all rose bush pests. These sprays won't necessarily get rid of adult ladybugs, grasshoppers, red ants, sowbugs and Colorado potato beetles.