Fruit Trees That Flower Pink

Fruit trees are commonly planted in gardens and landscapes because they provide gorgeous flower displays in the spring. Many fruit tree varieties also bear edible fruit. Home gardeners selecting fruit trees must consider their growing locations, the tree's soil preference, potential problems and blossom color. Many fruit tree varieties bloom with spectacular pink flowers.

Krauter Vesuvius Cherry Plum

Krauter Vesuvius Cherry Plum

The Krauter Vesuvius cherry plum tree (Prunus cerasifera) belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Native to Western Asia, this tree is winter hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Plant Hardiness Zones 5 to 8. Cherry plums reach between 15 and 20 feet in height with similar spreads. This fruit tree prefers well-drained, loamy soils in fully sunny to partly shady locations.

  • Fruit trees are commonly planted in gardens and landscapes because they provide gorgeous flower displays in the spring.

The Krauter Vesuvius tree features leaves that start out deep red and turn dark red-purple with age. This ornamental fruit tree features a display of pink flowers in the spring, followed by edible, purple plums. The Krauter Vesuvius cherry plum is susceptible to fire blight, powdery mildew and black knot. Potential pests include Japanese beetles, scale and aphids. This cherry plum tree is often group planted to add color to the landscape.

Belle of Georgia Peach

Belle of Georgia Peach

The Belle of Georgia peach tree (Prunus persica) is a dwarf fruiting tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. This fruit tree typically grows to heights between 18 and 25 feet with similar spreads. Numerous pink blossoms bloom in March and April. The blooms are followed by large, white and red peaches that ripen in August. Winter hardy in USDA zones 5 to 8, these peach trees need fully sunny planting sites with moist, well-drained soil. These peach trees are susceptible to peach leaf curl and cankers. Peach tree borers and plum curculio are possible pests. These fruiting trees work well as small shade trees or ornamental trees.

  • The Krauter Vesuvius tree features leaves that start out deep red and turn dark red-purple with age.
  • These peach trees are susceptible to peach leaf curl and cankers.

Branzam Crabapple

Branzam Crabapple

The Branzam fruit tree is a flowering crabapple in the Rosaceae family. Hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8, this tree generally grows to about 20 feet in height with a similar spread. This crabapple variety needs acidic, loamy soils in fully sunny locations. The Branzam produces silver twigs and dark green leaves that turn purple or orange-red in the autumn. The fragrant, rose-colored double blossoms appear in April, followed by bright green crabapples that ripen in the fall. Potential problems include apple scab, rusts and fire blight. This crabapple variety is often planted in groups.

  • The Branzam fruit tree is a flowering crabapple in the Rosaceae family.
  • This crabapple variety needs acidic, loamy soils in fully sunny locations.

Empire Apple

Empire Apple

The Empire apple tree (Malus) is a semi-dwarf fruit tree in the rose family (Rosaceae). This shorter variety only reaches up to 15 feet high and about 15 feet wide. Winter hardy in USDA zones 4 to 7, this tree needs somewhat acidic, well-drained soils in fully sunny locations. The light pink flowers bloom in April followed by red, McIntosh-style apples that ripen in September. The Empire apple tree is susceptible to apple scab, fire blight and cedar apple rusts. This fruit tree is commonly planted for its edible fruit and the ornamental foliage.

Mericrest Nectarine

Mericrest Nectarine

The Mericrest nectarine (prunus persica v. nectarine) is a dwarf tree in the Rosaceae family. This fruit tree typical ranges from 8 to 10 feet in height with similar spreads. This nectarine tree requires moist, well-drained planting sites that receive full sun. The pale pink blossoms bloom in April and are followed by yellow fruit that mature in mid-August. This fruit tree variety is susceptible to peach leaf curl, bacterial leaf spot and root nematode infestations. Noted for its cold hardiness, the Mericrest nectarine thrives in USDA zones 5 to 8. This compact tree grows well in small gardens.

  • The Empire apple tree (Malus) is a semi-dwarf fruit tree in the rose family (Rosaceae).
  • This nectarine tree requires moist, well-drained planting sites that receive full sun.
