How To Grow Wheat In A Greenhouse
Things Needed
- 1-foot-deep square tray
- Topsoil
- Fertilizer
- Small rake
- Wheat seeds
- Small scythe
Wheat is not only the second most produced crop in the world, it is a grass variety. Wheat is ground into flour and used in breads, cakes and other desserts, thickener for gravies and soups, and other prepared foods. Growing your own wheat can save you money in the long run and assure you that no pesticides are going into your wheat crop. Wheat will flourish year-round in a greenhouse when cared for properly.
Step 1
Fill a the 1-foot-deep planting tray almost full with topsoil.
Step 2
Layer about 1/2 inch of fertilizer on top of the soil and mix the two together thoroughly with a small rake (for large trays) or your hands (for small trays). Make the top of the soil and fertilizer mix as even and smooth as possible.
- Wheat is not only the second most produced crop in the world, it is a grass variety.
- Layer about 1/2 inch of fertilizer on top of the soil and mix the two together thoroughly with a small rake (for large trays) or your hands (for small trays).
Step 3
Use the rake to create 2-inch-deep trenches in the soil.
Step 4
Sprinkle wheat seeds into the tray, evenly spread out.
Step 5
Keep the tray in an area of the greenhouse with direct sunlight. Water lightly after planting. From here on out, water about twice per week or when the soil feels dry on top. In around four months, your wheat will usually be fully grown. You can identify wheat that is ready for harvest because the stalk's top turns yellow and the top kernels are dry.
- Use the rake to create 2-inch-deep trenches in the soil.
Step 6
Cut down the yellow part of the wheat stalk with the scythe to harvest.