How to Kill Poison Ivy With Salt

Poison ivy is a troublesome plant that can cause itching, pain and discomfort if you come in contact with it. This plant contains an oil called urushiul, which can cause itchy rashes and even extreme swelling in some people. The best way to prevent the effects of poison ivy is to avoid it, but this isn't always possible if the ivy grows in your yard. Fortunately, you can kill poison ivy with common materials that are likely already in your kitchen.
Mix the white vinegar, table salt and liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. Put the lid on the bottle and shake until all of the salt dissolves.
Spray the mixture directly on the poison ivy. Spray it on the leaves as well as the soil where the plant emerges. The soap will help remove the waxy surface on the leaves, making it easier for the salt and vinegar to get inside. The salt and vinegar naturally deprive the poison ivy of moisture.
- Poison ivy is a troublesome plant that can cause itching, pain and discomfort if you come in contact with it.
- The soap will help remove the waxy surface on the leaves, making it easier for the salt and vinegar to get inside.
Return to the area one week after the first application. If the poison ivy isn't completely wilted, spray another application of the weedkiller.
Check the area every two weeks to ensure the poison ivy does not grow back.
Salt & Dishwashing Liquid To Kill Poison Ivy & Oak
Poison ivy and poison oak have toxic oils in their leaves that cause painful and itchy skin rashes upon contact. When you notice the weeds in your yard, remove them carefully to protect you and your family. The leaves may grow in different shapes, but they will always contain three leaflets that grow together. Pour 4 cups of white distilled vinegar into a bowl. Place a funnel on the top of a spray bottle and pour the solution into it. Spray the solution carefully to avoid applying it onto surrounding plants or grass because it can kill them as well. Pour the boiling water over the poison ivy or oak to kill the weeds. For best results, wear protective clothing such as long sleeve shirts, long pants and boots to protect all areas of your body. Never burn the poison ivy or oak plants because the oils in the smoke can irritate the lungs.
- Return to the area one week after the first application.
- Never burn the poison ivy or oak plants because the oils in the smoke can irritate the lungs.
Wash your body immediately after you are around poison ivy.
Plants may not be able to grow in the treated soil for as many as three years.
- Homemade Weed Killer
- Weed Killer
- Fast Facts
- Salt Works: Salt Uses & Tips
- Revolution Health; Removing Poison Ivy Plants; Maria G. Essig, MS, ELS ; September 2007
- "Reader's Digest": 11 Ways to Kill Garden Weeds
- Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac Information Center: Controlling Poison Ivy
- University of Florida Extension; Identification of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac in Florida; Patricia Grace, et al.; 2009
- Wash your body immediately after you are around poison ivy.
- Plants may not be able to grow in the treated soil for as many as three years.
Writer Bio
Kenneth Coppens began his freelance writing career in 2008. His passions in life consist of extensive personal research on food, gardening and finding natural and eco-friendly alternatives to nearly all aspects of life.