How To Transplant Stella d'Oro Daylilies
Stella d'Oro daylilies are daylily hybrids and have more flowers than most other daylily varieties. In fact, each clump of Stella d'Oro daylilies can produce between 200 and 400 flowers in just one season. Stella d'Oro daylilies are also known for their numerous seedpods. While it's possible to propagate this plant from seed (although it will not be exactly the same as the parent plant), it's easiest to propagate it from division. Transplant your Stella d'Oro daylilies in the early spring or in the fall when they are finished blooming.
Step 1
Dig up your existing Stella d'Oro daylilies. Use a trowel, garden fork or shovel to dig around the perimeter of the plant. Dig down about 6 inches to get all the roots. Adjust the depth as needed.
- Stella d'Oro daylilies are daylily hybrids and have more flowers than most other daylily varieties.
- In fact, each clump of Stella d'Oro daylilies can produce between 200 and 400 flowers in just one season.
Step 2
Cut off the foliage (fans of leaves) down to about 5 or 6 inches with a pair of garden shears or clippers.
Step 3
Separate the fans gently with your hands if you are planning on dividing the plants when you transplant them (which is the ideal time). Divide the Stella d'Oro daylilies with a sharp, clean knife, such as a utility knife, so that each division has two or three stems each.
Step 4
Replant your lilies immediately in full sun or partial shade. The crown of the plant, which is where the fans and roots meet, should be planted 1 inch below the soil's surface. If the soil has not already been amended, till it about 8 to 12 inches deep and mix in 2 to 4 inches of compost or peat moss.
Step 5
Water the newly planted Stella d'Oro daylilies with an inch of water.
- Cut off the foliage (fans of leaves) down to about 5 or 6 inches with a pair of garden shears or clippers.
- Divide the Stella d'Oro daylilies with a sharp, clean knife, such as a utility knife, so that each division has two or three stems each.
Transplant Stella D'oro Daylilies
'Stella d'Oro' is a bright golden, low-growing variety of daylily that grows well in most climate zones. The plant has a long bloom period and will rebloom later in the season if spent flowers are cut back. Transplant your 'Stella d'Oro' daylilies anytime your garden grows too cluttered, the site is no longer suitable, or if you just want to create more of these attractive, hardy plants. Water your 'Stella d'Oro' daylilies well the day before transplanting to ensure the plant is satisfied and the soil is moist enough to dig in. Direct, full sunlight is most desirable. Make sure your new location will meet their needs. Remove excess soil from the root system by gently shaking and lightly tugging any bits that will come free. Place your daylilies in your newly dug hole.
- 'Stella d'Oro' is a bright golden, low-growing variety of daylily that grows well in most climate zones.
- Remove excess soil from the root system by gently shaking and lightly tugging any bits that will come free.
Things Needed
- Garden fork, shovel or trowel
- Garden shears or clippers
- Knife
- Compost or peat moss
- Water