Curry Leaf Plant Care

The curry leaf plant, or Murraya koenigii is often confused with the curry plant, or Helichrysum angustifolium. It is considered a small tree or shrub and grows well as a potted plant when properly cared for. The curry leaf tree is native to the outer Himalayas region and forests of India. The plant produces sweet smelling blossoms at various times during the year and its strongly scented leaves are used in cooking or to make curries. Caring for curry leaf plants is easy.
Use well draining potting soil to grow your curry leaf plant. Or mix one part peat moss, one part sand (or perlite) with two parts loam.
- The curry leaf plant, or Murraya koenigii is often confused with the curry plant, or Helichrysum angustifolium.
Place the curry leaf tree in a location with full sun to partial shade. Provide warm temperatures that go no lower than 65 degrees F in the winter.
Water the curry leaf plant thoroughly. Allow soil to become nearly dry before watering again. Water the plant less in the winter.
Apply fertilizer sparingly to the curry leaf tree. Use standard 15-15-15 fertilizer or blooming formulas. Do not apply any fertilizer to the curry plant during the winter season.
- Place the curry leaf tree in a location with full sun to partial shade.
Prune curry leaf plant as needed to maintain desired size and shape.
Care For A Curry Plant With Brown Tips On The Leaves
Mist the leaves with water to increase humidity. Do not spray excessively; you only want to dampen the leaves. Turn over the affected leaves and check for aphids that look smaller than 1/8 inch. The University of Connecticut's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources explains curry plants are often attacked by peach, melon and foxglove aphids. As with many plants, powdery mildew can attack curry plants, leading to distorted and discolored foliage. Fungicides that contain bacillus subtilis may kill the fungus after it affects the curry plant.
- Prune curry leaf plant as needed to maintain desired size and shape.
- As with many plants, powdery mildew can attack curry plants, leading to distorted and discolored foliage.
Writer Bio
Diane Dilov-Schultheis has been writing professionally since 2000. She is a food and travel writer who also specializes in gaming, satellites, RV repair, gardening, finances and electronics. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and has been published online at the Travel Channel and Intel.