How To Care For A Euphorbia Ingens Plant

Things Needed

  • Water-soluble balanced fertilizer
  • Container with drainage holes
  • Succulent or cacti potting mix
  • Gravel
  • Heavy gloves

The Euphorbia ingens, commonly called the candelabra tree, is a succulent tree that's native to South Africa. This tropical succulent can reach up to 30 feet tall in the wild, with erect branches that are four-angled with wavy ridges and paired spines. Enjoying a subtropical savannah environment, the Euphorbia ingens cannot tolerate temperatures below 50 to 54 degrees F, making it appropriate for indoor or greenhouse growing in most climates. The candelabra tree blooms from April until July with yellowish-green, clustered flowers that have winged petals, followed by round, smooth, reddish fruits in August through October.

Step 1

Position the Euphorbia ingens plant in full, direct sunlight. Maintain air temperatures around the plant of around 82 degrees F.

Step 2

Water the Euphorbia ingens plant once every two to three weeks, thoroughly moistening the potting mixture and ensuring that the water drains freely from the bottom of the pot. Allow the potting mix to dry thoroughly between waterings.

  • The Euphorbia ingens, commonly called the candelabra tree, is a succulent tree that's native to South Africa.
  • Maintain air temperatures around the plant of around 82 degrees F. Water the Euphorbia ingens plant once every two to three weeks, thoroughly moistening the potting mixture and ensuring that the water drains freely from the bottom of the pot.

Step 3

Feed the candelabra tree once each year in early spring, just as new growth begins. Apply a water-soluble 10-10-10 NPK or other balanced fertilizer at half the normal strength.

Step 4

Propagate the Euphorbia ingens plant by collecting and planting the seeds or by taking stem cuttings. Wear heavy protective gloves when taking the stem cuttings. Allow the cuttings to harden off for about two to three weeks before planting them.


Pot the Euphorbia ingens plant in a container with drainage holes in the bottom. Plant the Euphorbia ingens in a potting mix made for succulents or cacti, or in a mixture of 2 parts coarse sand, 1 part loam and 1 part peat moss. Line the bottom of the container with 1 inch of gravel to encourage sufficient drainage.


Be extremely careful when handling the Euphorbia ingens plant. The milky sap contained in the plant is highly poisonous. Contact with the toxic sap can cause skin blisters and blindness.
