How To Remove Mold From Dried Gourds

Things Needed

  • Old bath towels (one for each gourd)
  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • Black garbage bag
  • Stainless steel scrubbing pad
  • Fine sandpaper

After harvesting your gourds from the garden, the drying process begins. As you dry gourds to preserve them, mold is an inevitable occurrence. Some people choose to consider the mold a part of the drying process and they allow the mold to become a part of the character of the dried gourd. Others find the mold distasteful and prefer to remove the mold. If you prefer your dried gourds unblemished from mold, the cleaning process is simple and effective.

Step 1

Saturate the bath towels with warm water.

Step 2

Add a small amount of liquid laundry detergent to the wet towels and knead the wet towels until the detergent creates bubbles on the towels.

  • After harvesting your gourds from the garden, the drying process begins.
  • As you dry gourds to preserve them, mold is an inevitable occurrence.

Step 3

Wrap one bath towel around each gourd.

Step 4

Place the gourds inside the garbage bag. Place the bag outside in direct sunlight and situate the gourds inside the bag so they are all sitting in a single layer within the bag. Seal the bag tightly.

Step 5

Leave the bag outside in the sun for two to three hours. Every 30 minutes, rearrange the gourds inside the bag (without opening the bag) so the gourds all receive equal exposure to the sun. It does not have to be a warm day for heat to build up inside the black garbage bag.

  • Wrap one bath towel around each gourd.
  • Place the bag outside in direct sunlight and situate the gourds inside the bag so they are all sitting in a single layer within the bag.

Step 6

Open the bag after the time elapses. Remove the gourds from the bag, unwrap them from the towels and place the gourds into the sink.

Step 7

Scrub the outer surface of the gourds with the metal scrubber in the same way you would scrub a dirty pan. Continue to scrub until you remove as much of the mold as possible. Place the gourds aside to dry completely.

Step 8

Sand the dried gourds lightly with the sandpaper if any superficial mold stains remain after scrubbing.
