How To Root Ivy Cuttings

Things Needed

  • 4-inch flower pot
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Rooting hormone
  • Pencil
  • Clear plastic bag
  • Spray bottle

There are many types of ivy plants, including English Ivy, Grape Ivy, Hedera and Pothos. Taking stem cuttings from these plants is the most common way to propagate them for home use. Most ivies readily root when given the proper care and circumstances. Taking cuttings from your own or a friend's plant can ultimately provide you with new plants to grow at home or give as gift. Some ivy plants grow well outdoors and others cannot tolerate the cold. Be aware of the type of ivy you are rooting, so you know how to plant it later.

Step 1

Take cuttings of 3 to 6 inches from the tip of a few stems. Take more than one cutting in case one doesn't root well. Younger, greener stems will root quicker. Remove the leaves from the cut end about one-third up the stem.

  • There are many types of ivy plants, including English Ivy, Grape Ivy, Hedera and Pothos.
  • Taking cuttings from your own or a friend's plant can ultimately provide you with new plants to grow at home or give as gift.

Step 2

Mix half peat moss and half perlite to fill a 4-inch flower pot to within a 1/2 from the top. Wet the mixture and allow it to dry out until only damp and then wet it again. Once it dries out at bit, until it is only moist throughout, it is ready for the cutting.

Step 3

Place holes in the mixture for the cuttings with a pencil. Dip the cut end of the cutting in rooting hormone and place into the hole. Rooting hormones come in different strengths for different plants, so make sure to read the label to purchase the correct strength.

Step 4

Push the soil tight around the cutting and place a plastic bag over the flower pot. Do not tighten the bag around the pot as the cutting needs some air circulation. Leave the plastic around the plant for two weeks.

  • Mix half peat moss and half perlite to fill a 4-inch flower pot to within a 1/2 from the top.
  • Push the soil tight around the cutting and place a plastic bag over the flower pot.

Step 5

Locate the pot in diffused sunlight in a warm area. Ideally the soil should be about 75 degrees. You can place the pots on a heating pad on low, or on top of the refrigerator at night to help keep them warm.

Step 6

Mist the soil if it feels like it is drying out. The soil should remain moist but never soggy. The cutting should root in four to six weeks. Just gently tug, and if it resists, you have roots. Once you have roots, replant into the same-sized pot with potting soil.

  • Locate the pot in diffused sunlight in a warm area.
  • Once you have roots, replant into the same-sized pot with potting soil.


Most ivy cuttings can be rooted in water also. However, the roots will have a harder time adjusting to the soil than the cuttings rooted in the growing medium.
