Artichoke Companion Planting
Things Needed
- Garden spade
- Compost
- Asparagus
- Sunflowers
- Sweet corn
Matchmaking is a sport not only in love, but also in gardening. When you plan a garden, take time to consider each vegetable and its growing habits so you can be sure to place vegetables near each other that will thrive together. Companion planting can increase your vegetable yield and make your garden more fruitful. Because the artichoke is a perennial plant that grows into a tall and bushy plant, it grows well with other perennial plants that can withstand the size and shape of the artichoke plant.
Step 1
Prepare the planting area with the garden spade by cultivating the soil down to a depth of at least 8 inches with the spade. Add 3 to 4 inches of compost to the top of the soil and work the compost in well.
Step 2
Plant the artichoke offshoots approximately 6 inches deep in the soil with the tops of the offshoots above the soil. Space each offshoot 3 feet apart from any other plants. Firm the soil down with your hands around the offshoots.
- Matchmaking is a sport not only in love, but also in gardening.
- Prepare the planting area with the garden spade by cultivating the soil down to a depth of at least 8 inches with the spade.
Step 3
Surround the artichoke with asparagus for another perennial vegetable that will grow alongside the artichoke in a complementary manner. Because asparagus is a spring perennial vegetable and artichokes require the entire growing season to mature for harvest, these two vegetables will grow well side-by-side because they will be actively growing at different times of the growing season.
Step 4
Plant either sunflowers or sweet corn near artichokes because either of these two plants can withstand the width and height of the artichoke plants. Because both sunflowers and sweet corn are tall and sturdy plants, if you plant them on the western side of artichokes, they can help shade the artichokes from strong afternoon sun.