How To Grow Jasmine Vine In Zone 7
Things Needed
- Fertilizer
- Neem oil
- Dishwashing detergent
True jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is a hardy deciduous vine that adds a sweet fragrance to the garden. One of the few hardy jasmines, true jasmine needs a chilling period in the winter in order to bloom. Come spring, the jasmine bursts into bloom with small, white, highly fragrant flowers that will continue to the fall. While true jasmine is a vining plant, it does not support itself so it will need to be trained to a trellis or other structure, or grown as a ground cover.
Step 1
Grow the jasmine vine in an area that gets full sun if you live in the cooler areas of zone 7. Others can grow it in areas that receive morning sun and afternoon shade.
Step 2
Water the jasmine vine until the soil is wet to 3 inches below the surface. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
- True jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is a hardy deciduous vine that adds a sweet fragrance to the garden.
- Water the jasmine vine until the soil is wet to 3 inches below the surface.
Step 3
Fertilize the jasmine vine monthly during the flowering season using a 7-9-5 formula, at the rate suggested on the package. Always water prior to fertilizing. Stop fertilizing completely in the fall when the weather begins to cool in zone 7.
Step 4
Prune the jasmine vine after the blooming period but prior to the first frost in your area of zone 7. Don't be afraid to prune it hard, as it will come back next season.
Step 5
Protect the jasmine vine in winter if you live in one of the colder areas of zone 7. If the vine isn't too large you can cover it with plastic. Larger vines may require a tarp.
- Fertilize the jasmine vine monthly during the flowering season using a 7-9-5 formula, at the rate suggested on the package.
Step 6
Check the jasmine vine for spider mites. These are microscopic insects, barely visible to the naked eye. You will know that the plant is infested if you notice small spots on the leaves, especially the underside. Make a solution of 1 1/2 tsp. pure Neem oil, a few drops of liquid dish soap and a quart of water. Spray the solution on the infested parts of the vine. Repeat the procedure one week later.
- Check the jasmine vine for spider mites.
- Spray the solution on the infested parts of the vine.
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Jasminum officinale
- Logee's Tropical Plants: Cultural Information: Jasminum
- "American Horticultural Society: A-Z Plant Encyclopedia of Garden Plants;" Christopher Brickell and H. Marc Cathey, Editors-in-Chief; 2008