How To Grow A Mint Plant In Florida

Things Needed

  • Mint plant
  • Compost
  • Sand
  • Planting container (optional)
  • Commercial potting mixture (optional)
  • Stove pipe (optional)

When it comes to sure-fire plants that will grow in nearly any climate with little attention, mint is a champion. Mint will have no problem growing in Florida's cooler northern climates or in the warm, sub-tropical areas of southern Florida. Mint will grow for novice gardeners, and even neglectful gardeners will be successful. With a little advance planning, gardeners can grow an ample supply of mint without the flavorful herb taking over the herb garden.

Step 1

Purchase a mint plant at a garden center or nursery. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and spearmint (Mentha spicata) will both do well in either moist or dry climates.

Step 2

Choose a spot to plant the mint. Mint will grow in sunlight or partial shade but requires well-drained soil. If the soil is primarily clay, or if rainwater doesn't drain after four to five hours, amend the soil with at least 4 to 6 inches of a mixture of half compost and half coarse sand. Work the compost and sand mixture into the top 10 inches of the soil.

  • When it comes to sure-fire plants that will grow in nearly any climate with little attention, mint is a champion.
  • If the soil is primarily clay, or if rainwater doesn't drain after four to five hours, amend the soil with at least 4 to 6 inches of a mixture of half compost and half coarse sand.

Step 3

Plant mint in a container if you want to contain the plant's growth. Fill a container with commercial potting soil and place the container in a sunny spot or bury the container in the herb garden. You can also bury a stove pipe at least 20 inches long in the soil and plant the mint in the pipe, which will help to contain spread.

Step 4

Water the mint plant immediately after planting and keep the soil moist until you notice new growth. After that time, water mint plants when the top of the soil is dry or when the plants begin to look a bit droopy. Mint planted in containers will dry out quickly and will need to be watered often during Florida's hot summers.

Step 5

Clip mint leaves for use as often as desired for culinary use or tea. Regular pruning with garden shears will help to rein in aggressive growth.

  • Plant mint in a container if you want to contain the plant's growth.


Mint plants can easily be propagated by taking a root from a mature mint plant. Locate a sprig of mint poking through the ground a few inches from the parent plant. Pull the sprig carefully from the ground and you'll see the connected root. Simply dig up the root and plant it in a container filled with commercial potting soil.
