How To Determine The Value Of Cedar Trees

Value of cedar trees depends fully on the application. Value for the landscape will be different from that of a tree that is to be cut into boards. Eastern red cedar will have more value than a Western cedar tree as far as board value. While value of a cedar tree for landscape may be subjective, pricing a cedar tree for boards is very straightforward. Use the board foot calculator in the Resources section to determine exactly how many board feet are in the trunk of the cedar tree.

Step 1

Run the tape measure up the side of the tree to a height of approximately 4 to 5 feet. This is the breast height for measuring the diameter of the tree. All trees are measured at this height for the diameter.

  • Value of cedar trees depends fully on the application.
  • Use the board foot calculator in the Resources section to determine exactly how many board feet are in the trunk of the cedar tree.

Step 2

Hold the tape measure horizontally to the tree's trunk at the 4- to 5-foot height. Measure the diameter of the tree by holding the zero end of the tape to one side of the tree trunk, and read the overall width of the tree. As an example, the trunk may have a width of 16 inches at this height.

Step 3

Deduct approximately 4 inches from the overall width of the 16-inch diameter cedar tree. This will equal 12 inches. Typically, this much will be cut off at the sawmill to make square boards. Understand that all trees are measured, for the most part, in 8-foot lengths. Also understand that a board foot is the way all boards are measured. One board foot is equal to a 12-inch-long piece of wood that is 1 inch thick and 12 inches wide.

  • Hold the tape measure horizontally to the tree's trunk at the 4- to 5-foot height.

Step 4

Use the calculator located in the Resources section. Enter 12 inches into the "Nominal thickness" section. Place 12 inches into the "Nominal width" box. Both of these measurements, 12 inches, equal what the size of the final square timber will be after it is cut on a sawmill.

Step 5

Enter the overall length of the board–this is commonly 8 feet. Note the total board footage is equal to 96 feet.

Step 6

Find the local cost of a cedar board foot price by consulting your local wood market through the agricultural extension service. Add this to the price box. The final answer will be the cost of that lumber from the tree.

  • Use the calculator located in the Resources section.
  • Both of these measurements, 12 inches, equal what the size of the final square timber will be after it is cut on a sawmill.

Step 7

Understand that you may not receive the final cost of the finished boards for your value. You must take into consideration the cost of harvesting the cedar tree, hauling the log to the mill and the final cost for cutting the lumber. In most cases, sawmill operators know this cost and will be happy to relate the final value to you.


You may also contact the local tree nursery in your area after you have the basic tree trunk measurements. Cedar tree value will fluctuate as any markets do. Various areas around the country will have different values placed on cedar trees. Consult your local agricultural extension service for names of local lumber markets. These markets will have current board foot prices for many species of timber.
