How To Plant Blue Lake Bush Beans In Containers

Things Needed

  • Container
  • Potting soil
  • Blue Lake seeds

Unlike pole beans, bush beans grow as a compact bush, making them a suitable choice for a container garden. Blue Lake bush beans are a readily available bush bean cultivar, sold by most major seed suppliers. Blue Lake beans are forgiving in the garden, as they are slow to mature, giving you a longer window to harvest the tender, edible pods. They are also resistant to bean diseases, such as mosaic, which can quickly decimate bean plants grown in the close confines of a plant container.

Step 1

Fill an 8-inch wide, 10-inch deep plant container with a moist potting soil. Use a wider container if you wish to plant more than one Blue Lake plant in each container.

Step 2

Sow bean seeds to a 1 1/2 to 2 inch depth. Sow one bean per 8 inch container or sow a bean seed per every 6 to 8 inches of container diameter in larger planters. Space the multiple plants at least 4 inches apart when growing in a single planter.

  • Unlike pole beans, bush beans grow as a compact bush, making them a suitable choice for a container garden.
  • Blue Lake beans are forgiving in the garden, as they are slow to mature, giving you a longer window to harvest the tender, edible pods.

Step 3

Place the container in an area that receives full sunlight. Water as needed to keep the soil moist but not soggy while awaiting germination. Blue Lake beans usually germinate within three to seven days of planting.

Step 4

Water the container when the soil surface begins to feel dry. Water from the top until excess moisture drains from the bottom of the container. Avoid splashing water on the seedlings leaves as this can lead to fungal diseases.

Step 5

Harvest Blue Lake beans when the pods are fully formed yet tender, and before the seeds inside begin developing. Generally, Blue Lake beans are ready for harvest within 58 days of planting.

  • Place the container in an area that receives full sunlight.
  • Water the container when the soil surface begins to feel dry.


Container-grown beans rarely require fertilization, as they create their own nitrogen in the potting soil. Frequent harvesting encourages further pod production on bean plants.


Avoid harvesting pods when the plants are damp with morning dew, as this can spread disease. Instead harvest in the early afternoon after the plants have dried.
