How To Use Dog Hair To Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Garden
Rabbits are adorable and seemingly harmless, except when it comes to your garden that you've toiled in tirelessly. Just when it's time to reap the rewards of your labor, those adorable creatures are beating you to the harvest. There are ways to effectively keep rabbits at bay without harming them; one is by using dog hair. Don't have a dog? Visit a local groomer or veterinarian, they will be happy to help you out.
Step 1
Using a hammer drive garden stakes securely into the ground at each corner of the garden.
Step 2
Obtain dog hair from your dog or a local pet groomer or veterinarian's office.
- Rabbits are adorable and seemingly harmless, except when it comes to your garden that you've toiled in tirelessly.
- Visit a local groomer or veterinarian, they will be happy to help you out.
Step 3
Place a handful of dog hair into pantyhose. Grasping the dog hair in one hand, run your hand all the way to the end of the pantyhose.
Step 4
Tie a knot in the pantyhose near the end containing the dog hair.
Step 5
Using scissors, cut the pantyhose 1 to 2 inches beyond the knot.
Step 6
Cut a 12- to 18-inch strand of fishing line.
Step 7
Tie one end of the fishing line around the knotted end of the pantyhose.
Step 8
Tie the opposite end of the fishing line to the garden stake.
- Place a handful of dog hair into pantyhose.
- Tie a knot in the pantyhose near the end containing the dog hair.
Step 9
Observe the garden daily for rabbit or other activity. If after a week or so, rabbits become bold and enter the garden, try adding stakes between the ones already grounded.
Dog hair should be replaced with fresh dog hair each month or so.