Flowering Trees In Korea
Flowering trees in Korea are identical to those in southern China and Japan. The trees are grown throughout the region but sometimes given local names. Flowering trees, especially cherries, often are planted in such a way that walking through the groves as the flowers drop is like walking through a pink and white floral snowstorm. There are numerous cultural preferences for flowering trees, such as a veneration of flowering cherries. Cherry festivals are common throughout Asia, including Korea, China and Japan.
Korean dogwood, or kousa dogwood, is a slow-growing, flowering tree native to Korea. This tree grows well in full sun to partial shade. The Korean dogwood is vase-shaped when younger but rounds out when it begins to reach its maximum height of 20 to 30 feet. Korean dogwood grows to a spread of 15 to 20 feet. The white flowers on the Korean dogwood range from 2 to 4 inches long. Korean dogwood grows in parts of Korea that have climates similar to the USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8. Korean dogwoods grow in a variety of soil types and locations. This tree is also drought resistant and doesn't require much watering.
- Flowering trees in Korea are identical to those in southern China and Japan.
- Korean dogwood grows to a spread of 15 to 20 feet.
Flowering cherry trees are popular and well-known in Korea. Some Korean cities have cherry blossom festivals. Jinhae, a city in a mountainous part of Korea's southern coastline, has an estimated 340,000 trees that bloom for a few weeks every spring. A variety of blossoming cherries grow in different parts of Korea. Cherry trees in Korea can range from dwarf trees, such as weeping cherries that are around 6 feet tall, to larger trees that can reach 40 to 50 feet. Cherries have glossy, dark green leaves and produce white or pink flowers, depending on the variety. Cherry trees in Korea do well in full sun, and clay-based, sandy and loamy soils. Cherries require soils to be constantly moist and drain well. Water them when the top 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil feels dry.
- Flowering cherry trees are popular and well-known in Korea.
- Cherry trees in Korea do well in full sun, and clay-based, sandy and loamy soils.
The Korean evodia is a fast-growing tree that can reach more than 30 feet tall. The Korean evodia grows in areas of Korea comparable to USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8a. The Korean evodia has flat-topped clusters of white, fragrant flowers that attract honey bees. The Korean evodia features dark green compound leaves. Once the blossoms drop, this tree develops ornamental red and black berries. The Korean evodia does best in full sun and rich, loamy soil that drains well. It requires constant moisture. Water this tree when the top 1/4 inch of soil feels dry.
- The Korean evodia is a fast-growing tree that can reach more than 30 feet tall.
- The Korean evodia does best in full sun and rich, loamy soil that drains well.