How To Apply Scotts Turf Builder

Things Needed

  • Lawn mower
  • Scotts spreader

Turf Builder is a lawn fertilizer product designed by Scotts. It contains all the nitrogen and nutrients needed to help keep your lawn growing vigorously. A healthy, fast-growing yard is less susceptible to lawn diseases like rust, and is also less prone to weed invasions. Apply Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer with 2 percent Iron, the company's all-season version of the Turf Builder product, to feed your grass' hungry roots and keep your landscape green and healthy.

Step 1

Mow your lawn. This helps the Scotts lawn fertilizer penetrate the turf efficiently. Cut your lawn according to the height recommendations for your specific grass species. Trim warm-season grasses like zoysiagrass to a height of approximately 1 1/2 inches, according to the University of Missouri. Cool-season grasses like tall fescue should be kept slightly longer at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches.

  • Turf Builder is a lawn fertilizer product designed by Scotts.
  • Apply Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer with 2 percent Iron, the company's all-season version of the Turf Builder product, to feed your grass' hungry roots and keep your landscape green and healthy.

Step 2

Fill a Scotts spreader with Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer with 2 percent Iron. On a Scotts rotary spreader or broadcast spreader, such as the Scotts Deluxe Edgeguard, set the spreader's dial to "3 3/4." On a Scotts drop spreader, such as the Scotts AccuGreen, set it to 7 micrometers.

Step 3

Apply the fertilizer using the spreader. Walk or push the device in even strips across your lawn to evenly cover all areas of your yard with the fertilizer.

Step 4

Water your lawn so that the soil is moist to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. This helps carry the fertilizer's nutrients to the lawn's root level where it can immediately begin feeding the grass.

  • Fill a Scotts spreader with Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer with 2 percent Iron.
  • Walk or push the device in even strips across your lawn to evenly cover all areas of your yard with the fertilizer.

Step 5

Repeat the fertilization application every eight to 10 weeks during the lawn's growing seasons, as recommended by the Ohio State University.


Scotts' fertilizers are specifically formulated to be dispensed with a Scotts spreader. All listed application rates are for Scotts-designed spreaders or broadcasters. If you're using a third-party spreader, contact its manufacturer to determine what settings on the spreader are closest to those required on a Scotts spreader.


The iron in the Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer can stain your landscape's concrete and brick surfaces. If you get any fertilizer on such surfaces, sweep them immediately.

