How To Eradicate Mugwort With Glyphosate

Things Needed

  • Tarps
  • Spray herbicide containing glyphosate (RoundUp)
  • Eye goggles
  • Gardening gloves
  • Shredded mulch (leaves or wood chips)

If you look carefully at mugwort as it grows and spreads in your landscape areas, you may notice it closely resembles chrysanthemum in shape and size. The resemblance ends here, however, because mugwort spreads quickly and can invade a growing area. If you are fighting mugwort in your yard, take decisive steps to eradicate mugwort with glyphosate, a non-selective herbicide that will kill almost any plant it touches.

Step 1

Choose a warm, sunny day in late summer or early autumn when the mugwort is growing actively. Mugwort blossoms in late summer, so apply glyphosate when the mugwort is blossoming. Choose a calm day with temperatures over 60 degrees F. and rain is not in the forecast for 24 hours.

Step 2

Lay down tarps to protect any surrounding planting areas from overspray. Because glyphosate will kill almost any living plants, do not accidentally spray any desired plants.

  • If you look carefully at mugwort as it grows and spreads in your landscape areas, you may notice it closely resembles chrysanthemum in shape and size.
  • Mugwort blossoms in late summer, so apply glyphosate when the mugwort is blossoming.

Step 3

Wear eye goggles as you apply the chemical. Also wear gloves, long pants, long sleeves and shoes that cover your entire feet.

Step 4

Spray the glyphosate herbicide thoroughly over all of the foliage and blossoms of every mugwort plant. Cover the plants completely with glyphosate.

Step 5

Reapply the glyphosate a second time if any plants are still growing one week later.

Step 6

After the plants die back, apply 3 to 4 inches of shredded mulch over the areas where mugwort was growing to smother any new plants trying to grow.

Step 7

Watch the areas where the mugwort was growing and apply glyphosate to any new growth or pull new growth by hand if it emerges.

  • Wear eye goggles as you apply the chemical.
  • Watch the areas where the mugwort was growing and apply glyphosate to any new growth or pull new growth by hand if it emerges.


Keep people and pets away from the spraying areas until the glyphosate spray dries completely. Follow all instructions and warnings on the glyphosate label.
